Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Description of People

               When you wake up, going to school who do you see? In class who do you sit next to? When you go to the gym who do you see? People people people they are everywhere! In your house, at the store, mall etc. In the picture above i chose it because it shows many races not just one, in our life we see many unique people, some may be Pacific Islander some are Latino, some are German some are Russian some are mixed! Anyways if we go back to the ancient times we were once cavemen with only sticks and stones which snoozed in caves. I chose people because i think it is extraordinary how we evolved from something so incoherent, to a remarkable new generation of people living in the 21st century. People are obviously a very important thing on planet earth because every person makes a difference, someones idea can one day be something so big and influence us 'people' in a way we never thought it would. For example Albert Einstein. To conclude let me ask you a couple more questions, who makes your coffee at Starbucks? Who hands you your lunch at the cafeteria? Who votes for the president?

-Alan Martinez Period 4

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