Monday, August 22, 2011

Describe- Good Samaritan

A time when I acted as a good samaritan was when I was at church one saturday and I did not know but the youth group had decided to go out and feed the homeless. That day also was the birthday party of one of my good friends. I had to choose between going to my friends party early and being with her for a longer time or taking out 3 hours to go feed homeless. I also had the risk of her getting mad at me because I would not be the first one at her house. I decided to be a good Samaritan that day and I went out of my way, took time out of my day, and decided that I can see my friend all day any other day, and went out with them to feed the homeless. It was a very satisfying feeling, and I was proud about the good deed that I did. It was a good feeling knowing that I gave someone a meal for that day.
-Raquel Farfan

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