Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Samaritan

       I believe that there should not be a "good samaritan law" because not everyone would be able to help. For example, when people see others aggressively fighting, not every person might have the same reaction. One by stander might quickly react and break up the fight, and another might be disabled from shock because of the occuring event. Since laws also bring punishment for violation of the rule, it would be unfair to penalize a by stander for not helping. Another example pertains to a recent car accident that occured by our very own Olympian High. The accident was very severe, and my father who is a firefighter, is able to handle situations like this. He drove up to the accident, and eventually pulled the victim out of the vehicle. As for myself, my brothers, and many other people, we did not know how to help. It is not that we did not want to abet the injured people, but the most we know how to do is call for help. In this case of common people and a common situation, there cannot be a mandated law that says that people have to help others because not everyone handles situations the same. Of course by using common sense, we would aid a person in need, but traumatic scenarios might be too much for some people to handle.

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