Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Should helping others be made a law?

I believe that helping others should be made a law because there are so many people around the world who get bullied, cyberbullied or any type of put downs. This is not there fault, it's not people fault if their short, tall, chubby or nerdy it is the way they are. But in most cases people get bullied and others see but do not say anything. These people who are being hurt, they did not choose to be in that position. Put yourself in the shoes of a kid who is getting bullied you would want someone to stand up for you and help you. Yes, it is risky and your taking a chance but it is better to know that you are a good person in helping someone then just passing by and being grateful it was not you. It should be made a law because there is so many people that just do not care, for example, at school when there is fights people gather and cheer the people that are fighting while one person in the fight is hoping that it ends soon or they stop fighting, so instead of people cheering and supporting the fight, if it is made law they would have to break up the fight and stand up for one another.

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