Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

    As most Americans know, there has been a recent hurricane that swept over the East Coast. Not only was it a hurricane, but it eventually became a tropical storm that cut power to millions of people in the thirteen states that were effected. In addition, the dangerous flooding killed 44 people overall, and left many missing. This natural disaster also left many Americans with flooded homes, and some nearly homeless. One woman from New Jersey claims, "I lost everything. My pictures. Everything that means something--they're in the garbage. I don't have anything to tell my daughter, 'This belonged to you when you were 2 years old'". This statement opened up the eyes of many, and it reminds people not to take anything for granted. It saddened people across the nation to have to watch the devastating effects Hurricane Irene had, and to see loved ones have to lose every possession that was meaninful to them, including those who lost their family memebers. The damages caused by Hurricane Irene are said to be minor in some states, but other states like Maine need 200,000 dollars in order to repair their state. People have already started volunteer groups to clean up the damage, with the aid of the Red Cross. 

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