At Olympian High School we are not allowed to wear spaghetti straps. The shirts girls wear must be 3 fingers thick. This is an unfair rule and should be modified. In the summer it can get up to 97 degrees. Us girls do not want to be wearing sweaters or cardigans in that kind of heat. Especially after P.E. when we have ran the mile and or have done bleachers. We get too hot and sweaty to be wearing such thick clothes. As a person who likes to wear tank tops and spaghetti straps, I do not want to be yelled at by a teacher, after running the mile and getting all sweaty, to put on my sweater in 90 degree weather. It makes me angry and I give attitude to the teachers and get in further trouble. I believe as long as cleavage or the mid drift is not showing and it is not completely strapless, it should be allowed. Tank tops are perfect for summer and quite appropriate if you ask me. Two inches makes no difference.
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