Any tops that have sleeves less than two inches wide are prohibited in school. If anybody wears them, they have to put on a sweater or cardigan over it. It is still summer and still very hot during the day. After gym, nobody wants to put on a sweater. They want to cool off and feel the breeze to cool down their body temperatures. This policy goes with the motto, "Dress to Learn," but how can anybody even think about learning if they are worrying about how hot it is and if anybody will smell them. I would modify this policy by letting the girls wear halter tops or tops such as these as long as they do not show cleavage or their belly button. They would be still following the other rules and saving themselves the embarrassment of sweating and stinking during their next periods. The tops would not be a harming or distracting anybody in the process. As well as less dress code violations ( at least for the girls).
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