Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Samaritan Experience

 When I was around six I had my first near death experience. My family and some of my parents friends went to Cancun for the summer break. I was messing around in the kid's side of the pool, since I was barely like four feet tall. Then after a while I got bored and a bit thirsty, so I got out of the pool, and suddenly jumped right back in, because the ground was burning my feet.  I decided to go through the adults side of the pool, which was much deeper, but had a bar connected to it, and I was thinking I could get a soda there. So I quickly got out of the pool and foolishly jumped into the middle of the adult pool. I'm still not sure why I did that, when I knew I couldn't swim and that I could just hold on to the edge of the pool and pull myself by my that edge to the bar. Anyway, I jumped in, sank slowly to the bottom, and couldn't swim back to the top..  so I just started kicking and thrashing around. I was convinced I was not going to get back to the surface. I'm not exactly sure how he saw me, but about thirty seconds after I jumped in, this random stranger jumped in and saved me. I'm pretty sure it was his conscience that prompted him to save me, and any one with a heart would've done it, but he still goes down as a Good Samaritan in my book.

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