I cannot recall a good story of when i was a good samaritan, but i will always remember the day that my dad was. It was a Sunday afternoon at the park, i was seven and my dad had taken me there to learn how to ride a bike, when all of a sudden a huge smash boomed through the air. An elderly man had driven his car into a light post down by the entrance of the field. We looked to see if anyone was going to stop and help but no one did, the just kept driving by the accident. My dad sprinted to the crash and got the injured man out of the crumpled little car and gave him what little medical help he knew of while my brother and i called nine-one-one. The ambulance driver thanked my dad profusely saying that he was amazed no one had stopped their car to help and that my dad was a hero and he may have helped save the mans life.
I will always remember that day and it has inspired me to do the same if ever the need arises.
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