Common people should not be mandated by law to abet others in need. How can anyone be forced to help others that are in need? Some people do not have eneough good in them to be kind to others. Some people have grown up with horrible pasts and do not understand why they should help people when no one had helped them, their entire life. An example of the people that have had horrible pasts, would be people who grew up being neglected, abused, or looked down upon. How can people expect people who have horrible hardships understand the meaning of helping others? Although, it is said that you should treat others how you would like to be treated, my arguement ties into this idea because people who have never been helped or have not known where to look for help, do not know how to help others. However, there are still people in this world who have grown up with people constantly surrounding them with help and all the blessings they could ask for in life, yet they still do not feel they should help people. An example of this type of person would be people that were born into wealth. In my opinion, people can not be forced to do anything that they are not willing to do, but, fortunately there are people in this world that are caring and recieve a piece of enlightenment out of helping people.
- Mimi Taylor
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