Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Good Samaritan Law

I think that by law we should be forced to help someone when they are in need of assistance. It could be a life or death situation and maybe because of the ignorance of a person who is afraid of getting sued the other person may die. In my opinion if the "good samaritan" helps the other with good intent there really is not a reason for why they should worry about getting sued. This law I believe is crucial to be inputted in our society because I think that it will teach us to love our neighbors, to stop the fleshly ways of being selfish and only caring about oneself and their immediate family and allow us to open our eyes to the people around us who need our help as well. I think that if our society had this law then we would be better people because then we would be aware of the dangers there really is, and we would all start to consider the needs of others and not only their own.
-raquel farfan

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