Wednesday, August 31, 2011

disasters of hurricane irene

Hurricane irene is estimated to be one of the worst hurricanes that has reached the united states since 1980. along the caribbean to the eastern seaboard, 27 people are known as dead. transmortation in this area was shut down leaving habitants stranded, and some rescue has reached the victims. it is recorded that 5.8 million people lost complete electricity, limiting everything. When first mentioned, the hurricane was seen as a minor threath, however it greatly affected the east coast the government is trying their best to fix the sittuation caused by the catastrophie.

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene, later seen as a tropical storm, causes a total of $40 billion worth of damage to the economy and area. Targeting the Northeast of America, Hurricane Irene has generated problems such as floods in New Jersey, New York, New England. The amount of casualties also became an issue because of drowning under flooding or becoming electrocuted underwater from fallen power lines. 2.5 million people were left under power outages and 44 deaths were reported from 13 different states. This tropical storm produced over thousands of houses and other buildings to become soaked in floods. Numerous problems arose from Hurricane Irene both economically and socially.

Hurricane Irene

All over the news everyone has been hearing about hurricane Irene. That is because it has affected many people. It has impacted the East Coast since it has gone from North Carolina all the way through New England. It has affected them since it is recorded that have been at least 54 deaths in 13 states. There is 2.5 million people without power. It is extremely sad since people lose their loved ones, and their houses. The damages caused by Hurricane Irene have been big and it is said that they need 200,000 dollars to repair the place. About 22 bridges have been closed now due to Hurricane Irene.

Hurricane irene

Hurrican Irene has a had a major impact in cities on the East coast. It caused many problems for residents and there neigborhoods and homes. For example many of the power lines have got knocked down and the houses have been destroyed. There has been many floodings throughout the towns which causes transportation to stop. Many cars like seen in this picture to the side have been flooded which causes many catastrophes within people's lives. As you can see, Hurricane Irene has caused many damages and problems!

hurricane irene

Hurricane Irene is technically a tropical storm because it was down graded in magnitude, but it has still caused an estimated seven billion dollars worth of damage from New Jersey to northern New England. All across the eastern sea bored twenty-six rivers have overflowed enough to set new all time high records. In Vermont, who had a very wet year last year priming it for flooding, there have been three reported deaths but more are expected to come in.

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene was the first major storm of the hurricane season. It's effects were felt from the Caribbean and as far north as Atlantic Canada. Damage in the United States alone is estimated to be as high as 7.1 billion dollars.

The East Coast learned from the mistakes from Hurricane Katrina: The National Guards of all states at risk were prepared for recovery, and several mandatory evacuations were in effect. By the time the storm hit North Carolina, it was a category 1 hurricane, and by the time it hit New York, It was a tropical storm. However, despite being relatively weak compared to other storms, it's heavy rainfalls and storm surges managed to cause major flooding in all states effected. One women in Queens, New York, said that there were jellyfish and crabs in her stoop.

Although Hurricane Irene managed to get New York City to shut down its public transportation systems completely for the first time ever, the impact of the storm was much less severe than it could have been. Proper precautions were taken, in order to keep it from becoming the storm of the decade.

Hurricane Irene

8 known dead. 2 million without power. Hurricane Irene hit Delmarva peninsula to the Jersey Shore and the New York metropolitan area. The deaths reported so far included victims of car accidents and falling tree limbs. Many more have been injured as a result of high winds and tornadoes that have reportedly touched down in Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, New Jersey, and Delaware. This huge hurricane has had a major impact on these states and many people have had to leave their homes and belonging elsewhere. They are in need of assistance and protection in case another might hit again soon.

Hurricane Irene- Julie Mavez

For a while now, the U.S. and it's eastern coastal region has been awaiting for the much feared and evidently, over exaggerated Hurricane Irene. Early morning of August 27 from the east coast, Hurricane Irene traveled up to New England. This catastrophe has been getting more attention by the media than necessary. Although it was fortunately smaller than predicted, it has left our east coast in it's worst condition in over a century. With it's destructive 90 m/h winds and heavy rain, it has effected millions of people and 11 states with problems such as power outages, flooding, mass transit shutdowns, and mandatory evacuations. Considering our county's economic situation and an estimated billion dollars in repair costs, the government is taking action to the best of their ability to repair the destruction by starting off with shelters and search and rescue teams.

Irene, The Super Hurricane

Hurricane: A storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean. Irene being one of the dozens of hurricanes that has caused extreme damage, has really made a  impact on the east coast leaving little to no food supply and shelter. This cyclone of disaster has been estimated to have demolished 600 homes and over $45 million of damage. Hurricane Irene can be compared to Hurricane Katrina because it also caused a lot of damage of peoples homes that are now only little piles of gravel and shredded wood. According to Google an uprising count of 30 innocent citizens have been found lifeless in the wreckage. Since the East Coast has had many of these cyclones, why don't people just move to a location where there is not hurricanes? Families will not cry for their loved ones, and friends wont cry for their friends, etc. 

-Alan Martinez

Hurricane Irene

Hurrican Irene has had a big impact on the Middle East the storm began in North Carolina and will soon hit New York and will go all the way up through Maine. The hurricane has cost a damage of about 7 billion dollars and there is at least 54 deaths and so many people have been severly hurt houses, school, restaraunts have all been flodded. This storm is causing a huge problem in the East Coast.


"Before the storm’s outer bands of wind and rain began hitting the coast, mandatory evacuations were ordered all along the Eastern Seaboard, as far north as the New Jersey shore and parts of New York City. Roads and highways were filled with caravans of ousted vacationers and homeowners, many fleeing under still-sunlit skies in anticipation of torrential rains, dangerous tidal surges and the likelihood of days without power"(new york times).
this is showing that the hurricane is supposed to hit the east coast pretty hard. the hurricane is expected to hit with over 90 per hour winds. evacuations have already started.

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene has lots of damage to North Carolina. Also, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, East Coast, Virginia and New Jersey are just some places where they have been affected by Hurricane Irene. It has left 2 billion people without power, and 54 deaths. By this, people have been evacuated and sent to somewhere safe for shelter, food, and communitcation. This damage estimates about $7 billion. Hurricane Irene has came with such a power that experts did not expect it at this level.
-Alexa Calderon

Hurricane Irene

Many in the West Coast know about the devastating hurricane that has swept across the East Coast. Hurricane Irene flew by leaving a mass of destruction where ever it went. Flooding streets, destroying houses, and caused major evacuations around the East Coast. These floods destroyed peoples houses that caused them to lose personal belongings that held sentimental value. When Hurricane Irene came toward America, it started off as a Category 1 hurricane that reached up to speeds of about eighty five miles per hour, but when it left it became a tropical storm heading toward Vermont. Before it even hit America and it hit the Bahamas, it was a Category 3 hurricane. Some say we might have been lucky that it went down but since it did it actually spread the hurricane so that it effected a wider area. My oldest sister lives in Virginia and when we spoke to her last weekend, she would tell us about how the water is flooding in through the bottom of her door and that she need to put bundles of towels to keep it from coming through. The damages this storm has cost will almost top the charts at about billions of dollars worth of repair. The casualties can go up to 54 deaths but the actual number is unknown. The president even came to New Jersey last Sunday to see the damage for himself of Hurricane Irene. When it comes to natural disasters, they are unpredictable and hopefully preparations for hurricanes will become more frequent.

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene is a really big deal and event that occurred in North Carolina. It has cost them at least $71 million dollars in damage. Not only that, but it has damaged at least 1,100 homes. More then 440,00 people have lost power and energy because of the hurricane at some point. Thousands of more people have also faced more additional outages after strong winds and lightning hit the eastern part of the state. There is also a lot of flooding going on which has caused much lose of a lot of homes and many difficulties as well.

Alyssa Bautista

Hurricane Irene

      Hurricane Irene has really made an impact on the east coast. This hurricane caused over 600 homes to be destroyed, 150 highways are damaged, 22 bridges are closed, and caused over $45 million of damage. Hurricane Irene also caused a lot of communities to be isolated, which leaves them with little food, water and what they really need to survive. Forty two people have been found dead caused by this hurricane. So many people are left without family, friends, their home, jobs, cars and basically everything they owned.

Hurrican Irene

Hurrican Irene left extensive flood and wind damage through the United States East Coast. People had to evacuate the area and transportation was shut down all along the east coast, stranding residents in shelters, airports, and train stations, out of their homes. Flooding washed out roads and destroyed homes, and evacuation orders were demanded for hundreds of thousands. This hurrican killed several people, and left a damage worth $13.1 billion. This natural disaster impacted many by them losing their loved ones, losing homes, having to live in shelters and practically losing everything.
- Frida Perez / Period 4

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

    As most Americans know, there has been a recent hurricane that swept over the East Coast. Not only was it a hurricane, but it eventually became a tropical storm that cut power to millions of people in the thirteen states that were effected. In addition, the dangerous flooding killed 44 people overall, and left many missing. This natural disaster also left many Americans with flooded homes, and some nearly homeless. One woman from New Jersey claims, "I lost everything. My pictures. Everything that means something--they're in the garbage. I don't have anything to tell my daughter, 'This belonged to you when you were 2 years old'". This statement opened up the eyes of many, and it reminds people not to take anything for granted. It saddened people across the nation to have to watch the devastating effects Hurricane Irene had, and to see loved ones have to lose every possession that was meaninful to them, including those who lost their family memebers. The damages caused by Hurricane Irene are said to be minor in some states, but other states like Maine need 200,000 dollars in order to repair their state. People have already started volunteer groups to clean up the damage, with the aid of the Red Cross. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Story Of A Good Samaritan

When I was 10 years old, I remember I was in a car with my mom, and she was driving in Tijuana. As she was driving, the car behind us had gotten in a car accident with the car behind that one. I remember I was scared, wondering what was going to happen next. My mom got out of the car, and noticed that the two persons who which were involved in that accident, were two older people without phones. My mom then decided to call the police, and my mom helped out those two older persons. My mom instead of helping them out, she could of just kept on driving, but instead decided to stop in the middle of the street to help those to older persons involved in the car accident. My mom was being a good samaritan.
- Frida Perez/ Period 4

Good Samaritan

When I was 12. I remember going to Mountian High to go snowboarding , my mom , her boyfriend at the time and myself. We stayed there all day , morning till dawn. When we got done snowboarding , when we were exiting we noticed that we were walking for a long amount of time. then we realized that we did not park that far away. Then we kept on walking and walking and walking , honestly i think we walked for 3 miles, wondering where our truck was . Also, we had to carry our snowboards ,and we had heavy clothing and our heavy snow boots. There was a motel near by but all of the rooms were occupied and there was nothing there except trees and a road. When we walked further down the road we there was a small town, we stopped at a gas station and a white couple lived around there , and offered us if we wanted to saty with them until we find out about the whole truck situation . We endded up staying at there house , we got a call from a car company, saying that our truck was towed, due to the snow. The next day the friendly couple dropped us off at the company and we got our truck back. Those 2 samaritains helped us a alot, If we didnt meet them we would maybe have never gotten our car back . I thank them till this day , cause who knows what could of happened to me and my family .
I haven't really had any near death experiences that have come close to death in my life but i have been helped before when i was very little. when i was about 5 i think my mom and i wear driving on the freeway and our crappy old car broke down on the side of the freeway. we waited and i remembered crying forever hitting the car. i thought we were never going to get home until a friend of my grandmas drove by and stopped and let us in the car. he took us home and that's where we stayed. we left the car:) hahaha

Good Samaritan Experience

 When I was around six I had my first near death experience. My family and some of my parents friends went to Cancun for the summer break. I was messing around in the kid's side of the pool, since I was barely like four feet tall. Then after a while I got bored and a bit thirsty, so I got out of the pool, and suddenly jumped right back in, because the ground was burning my feet.  I decided to go through the adults side of the pool, which was much deeper, but had a bar connected to it, and I was thinking I could get a soda there. So I quickly got out of the pool and foolishly jumped into the middle of the adult pool. I'm still not sure why I did that, when I knew I couldn't swim and that I could just hold on to the edge of the pool and pull myself by my that edge to the bar. Anyway, I jumped in, sank slowly to the bottom, and couldn't swim back to the top..  so I just started kicking and thrashing around. I was convinced I was not going to get back to the surface. I'm not exactly sure how he saw me, but about thirty seconds after I jumped in, this random stranger jumped in and saved me. I'm pretty sure it was his conscience that prompted him to save me, and any one with a heart would've done it, but he still goes down as a Good Samaritan in my book.

Samaritan Story

This Samaritan story dates back when I was about 6-7 years old. Me and two of my friends went out to recess and decided to race to the wall-ball court. Once the race started I fell forward scraping my knee real bad and both of my friends noticed. I stood back up but only with one leg so both of my friends decided to take me back to the nurse. I had my arm wrapping around both of my friend's shoulder and we walked all the way to the nurse. Once we walked all the way to the nurse's office the nurse thanked my friends for bringing me and I would of too but I could not stop crying. If my friends never noticed I was hurt then I would probably be crying in the middle of the school for the whole recess.

A Good Samaritan Story

Doing a Good Samaritan deed can sometimes make you feel good inside of what you did to help or assist someone who was in need. I remembered back then when I was about ten, I was walking with my parents in a mall and then suddenly, an old lady not too far away from us accidentally dropped her purse and a handful of coins fell out. I noticed my parents did not see the old lady, and many other people did not even bother to help her pick up the coins out. Then, I walked up to her and assisted her by helping pick up the coins for her. After I was finished picking up all the coins for her, she looked, smiled at me, and thanked me very much for helping her. When I helped assist that old lady, I felt very good and compassionate of what I did to assist her.
-Rylee Nazareno

Being a Good Samaritan

I like to help people out a lot. In the future, I want my career to be based on something that has to do with helping out other people. Every year for Thanksgiving I go to this place called Casa Familiar (a place where my mom used to work) and my sister, my mom, and I help serve food to the less fortunate people there. There is a huge crowd of people and much help needed. We do things like serve food for them, give them something to drink, clean their plates afterwards and help set up for the next round of people to come in. It takes almost all night. It gets tiring but at the end of the day, I feel really good about helping all those people out and knowing that they got to have a good meal for Thanksgiving and have a good time. Another time I have helped out is for Christmas. Last Christmas, I was in a Confirmation class and we went Christmas caroling around a neighborhood to certain houses that the Church knew had families that were sick or could not afford anything for Christmas that year. We sang to them and they were very grateful, happy, and surprised to see us! They thought nothing good was going to come to them that year but afterwards that told us we had proven them wrong. The people were overwhelmed and happy. This is how I am a good Samaritan.

Alyssa Bautista

Good Samaritan

Just recently my grandma fell and broke two ribs. My grandma means so much to me and she had gotten sick and broken her ribs, so of course I was worried. I was terrified of what could happen. I was the last to know about it and I was told one morning before school started. I got to class in shock and horror. I was disconsolate. I was not aware that I had tears in my eyes until someone asked if I was ok. I did not want to speak. Then someone came up to me and talk to me. She took me outside and helped me understand that it was going to be fine. That I had nothing to worry about. She even prayed with me. I take her actions as being a good samaritan because she did it just to be kind and caring. I was able to feel a little better that day. Thanks to her actions and her words. My feelings were in complete disarray then she came and helped me sort through them. She acted as a good samaritan, and I am very grateful of her actions.

Being a Good Samaritan

Helping another person that you dont know (a stranger) leaves you with a great feeling. I remember one day when i was at walmart and i saw a guy that was about 50 years old and he was walking strange, he had an injury in his foot. That day walmart was very crowded as usual, and the guy was trying to walk somewhere else, but since there was many people standing there he dropped several boxes of cereal that were there. When that happened i saw several people walk by and not even tried to help the guy. The guy was leaning down to start picking them up and then i stepped in and told the guy not to worry about them. When the guy saw me coming and realized that i was going to start helping them, I saw an amazing smile in his face that i would never forget. When I finished helping the guy, he turned to me and said, "thank you, I appreciate it, have a nice day." That left me with a great feeling, because even though i didn't know the guy, i felt good that i helped someone out. -Arlette A

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The pleasure to help

A while ago at costco i was waiting in line for the food court, when in front of me i saw a very playful litle boy with an iphone in his hands. it appears that he was playing angry birds since he was screaming "Mommy the birdy went boom!". They later got their food and went to sit, and afteafter so did I. My sister chose a seat right next to them, and ofcorse we had to abide to the kid's unmaturity. minutes later they left and i noticed that they forgot their iphone. Apperently they were in a hurry since they left in a blast. I ran to their car, and barely made it before they left. they thanked me for my kind ways and attempted to pay me for my good samaritan morality. However I told them that it was okay, that a thank you was perfect, and that its a pleasure to help. It feels really good to help someone out just for a smile.

A Good Samaritan Story

Recently, my grandfather--who fought cancer for years--passed away. That day, I got a call from my mom who left for the Philippines to stay by his side, along with her brothers and sisters, and I could hear how shattered her voice sounded; I knew it couldn't have been good news, which meant something must have happened. After straightforwardly telling me what had happened, we said our goodbyes and ended our call. I was in pure shock and disbelief because just the other day, my cousin sent me a picture of him smiling on his hospital bed. I felt overwhelmed and devastated. I tried to pretend like nothing was wrong after I found out, but a friend of mine noticed. She asked me what was wrong, and unknowingly, I ended up in tears. She held me tightly and let me cry on her shoulder to allow the despaired feelings to disappear. After doing so, I explained to her what happened, and slightly surprisingly, she could relate. She comforted me with words her mother once told her, saying that at least his suffering is gone and that he is currently watching over me. Honestly, her words did not touch me to the point of ultimately feeling better, but I can definitely profess that her comforting, compassionate ways cheered me up a bit. At the time, no one noticed the happy facade I put on, but she did. She was the one who asked what was wrong and cheered me up in the process. This friend of mine is surely someone I can undoubtedly call a Good Samaritan, and I'm glad to have her around.

-Arlynn Adamos Period 4

A Good Samaritan Deed

I've  never encountered a serious situation where I've needed a good Samaritan or I was the good Samaritan myself, but there's always a good Samaritan when I need one at school. A stranger, a friend, anyone. I always drop my notebooks, and papers go flying- most people just ignore it or just wait for someone else to do it and watch, but there's always that one person that just is on the floor right when you drop everything. It isn't a big situation which requires a Samaritan saving someone in a life threatening state, but it's always nice know that someone it willing to help me, instead of just looking at me pick up everything by myself just gets me in a better mood.

Being a Good Samaritan

I was in the car driving back home from school and I look outside the window and I see a lost dog. We slowly stop the car and we pick it up we try to look for dog signs but there where none. I could of decided to leave the dog and just go home but I decided to take the dog home and put up flyers saying dog found ! I took care of the dog for about 2 days until the owner came to take it home. We baught the dog a bed, food and toys and when the owner saw how happy the dog was he offered to pay us money in return but I did not accept because it was a simple act of being a good samaritan.

Being a Good Samaritan

 I remember the time when I was a good Samaritan and helped someone. Our family was at a picnic about 2 years ago and when we were walking, I found a cell phone on the ground. So I picked it up and we called the last number on recent calls, it was the cousin of the person who lost the phone and the cousin gave us the persons house number. When we called that person they were really happy that we found their phone and we set up a time  and place of when to meet him to give the phone back. When we meet them at a gas station the man was really happy and thankful that he even offered us money for gas of course I said no, but all that really mattered is that I helped someone  with out needing anything in return.

good samaritan story

I cannot recall a good story of when i was a good samaritan, but i will always remember the day that my dad was. It was a Sunday afternoon at the park, i was seven and my dad had taken me there to learn how to ride a bike, when all of a sudden a huge smash boomed through the air. An elderly man had driven his car into a light post down by the entrance of the field. We looked to see if anyone was going to stop and help but no one did, the just kept driving by the accident. My dad sprinted to the crash and got the injured man out of the crumpled little car and gave him what little medical help he knew of while my brother and i called nine-one-one. The ambulance driver thanked my dad profusely saying that he was amazed no one had stopped their car to help and that my dad was a hero and he may have helped save the mans life.
I will always remember that day and it has inspired me to do the same if ever the need arises.

Good Samaritan

Good Samaitans are rare to come by but when you do come by one it is a memory you will never forget. When I was about ten years old, in Florida, I was more out going than I am now and would like to bike or roller-blade around our complex, which from above probably looked like two circles connected my a road. One day, I decided to bike around with some friends and race to see who can beat the other around the two circles first. I was winning and felt over confident with myself, which ultimately became my downfall. My house was only a few feet away and cars were parked everywhere, I stupidly looked behind me to see if anybody was there and found nobody. I turned my head and in that split second saw a beige colored car that looked completely immoveable. My bike impacted and I fell on top of the hood, slid down the front, and hit the ground in a sitting position. I did not see anybody coming but I felt somebody help me stand up and asked if I was ok. I was, for some unbelievable reason, fine with only minor bruises. They took me home and told me to stay off, that bike for a while. I went inside with nothing but a slight limp, that my mother did not notice and went upstairs to take a shower and a nice long nap. Later that day, I found out the car was unscathed and the mystery person was my neighbor who told my mom about the incident and brought home my bike, without asking for anything in return. This person, I now know is a Good Samaritan.

My Friend the Good Samaritan.

When I was about 7 years old, and still living in Japan I had met a Good Samaritan. I was a clutzy 7 year old always running about around malls, streets, and even the backyard. At one point my family and I had started to go to this Dutch theme park. And there was this automatic water sequence thing, that would squirt water around the tiled floors about every hour. Since citizens are allowed to run and get wet in that area, I of course started to run around. But little did I know that my carelessness gave me an accident. I had slipped and fell cutting my knees on the uneven tiled floors, with the cut being 5 inches long. I started to cry and sat in my pool of blood, till this Japanese girl name Takashi Yukio (or Yukio Takashi in english) who was in highschool came to my aid. She patched me up, with her first aid kit she always carried around her. And right after, she just told me to be careful from now on. My parents wanted to show her thanks by offering a token of appreciation and it would be a coupon to a popular sushi bar. But she decline, and just said, "Seeing a young girl smile is the better reward than tears." Years later, even though I had my cut permanent on my skin, it was enough to remind me what makes a good Samaritan

Monday, August 22, 2011

Being a Good Samaritan

One time when i was at a restaurant i was sitting waiting for my table to be called and an elderly man who was sitting next to me got called for his table. While he was getting up he left his wallet including his money on the seat. Minutes went passed and i hadn't notcied it either until finally i saw his wallet. As soon as i saw it, i opened the wallet to see identification and realized it was the elderly man sitting next to me. Instead of stealing the money and leving the wallet i got up and found the elderly man in the restaurant to hand him his wallet. By the look of his eyes he was so grateful to have his wallet back. He even offered me $5 but i did not accept because i knew what i did was the right thing and the right way to live as a Good Samaritan.

The Good Samaritan in Me

         As human beings, we tend to drop things now and again. I recall one of many times where I have helped another fellow student pick up their belongings in the hallway. Many people would suggest that this is not a deed that would make me a Good Samaritan, but how many of us just awkwardly side-step random people who have dropped their items? We clearly see a person in need of assisstance, and we by pass them like we never saw anything. Honestly, if I were in that person's shoes-- which is quite often-- I would want help too. The person I remember helping in particular, dropped nearly every item they had. All I had to do was take a few moments to help them gather their supplies. The person smiled and gratefully thanked me, knowing that I helped them even though we did not know each other. It was a reward in itself to know that I had made the person's day a little better, and now they too, can be inspired to help a person that was in their situation.

Good Samaritan

I remember a time when I took action and acted as a good samaritan. I helped and elderly woman that was in need. I can still remember the great feeling you get, when knowing that you made a difference by helping that person. My experience was this day that my mother I were at vons. We were ready to pay at the cash register, but an elderly woman was infront of us, I remember she had her little vons cart full. She had already payed and was slowly moving towards the exit. I took action and followed the woman and offered my help, "Ma'am. may I help you with your groceries?" The woman's face was filled gratitude, and just nodded with the biggest smile across her face. In that moment I took charge of the cart and followed her to her car. Then, I placed all the groceries in the trunk of the car while the elderly woman was getting inside her car, and getting ready to depart. Once I was finished with all the groceries, I closed the trunk and placed the cart where the others were. I went back to car where the elderly woman was, which she was waiting for me with a ten-dollar bill, and told me with a sincere voice, "Thanks young lady for your help, I don't know how to thank you. Please take this money, I am glad that girls like you still exist." I looked at the woman with a proud attitude, "Well thanks ma'am but I cannot take this money, you desirve this and more. Have a great day!" The elderly woman just couln't belive it and just said this lastly words to me "You are a great human being, take care young lady." The woman just waved goodbye to me with a long and beautiful smile across her face. This action made my day, but the best part is that I helped someone, and you don't have any idea of what it feels to help another human being. I still remember this day as if it were yesterday!

-Alexa Calderon

When I Was A Good Samaritan

             I have some Good Samaritan experiences like when i was in fourth grade on way home, an old lady with grey hair was struggling with her grape soda cans that she had just bought. By the expression of her face she was yelling for help, grunting and stumbling, i was polite and asked her if she needed help and said yes with passion. After, she offered me a dollar it was tempting but i did not accept. That was a simple experience though. At school (middle) we had to do community service so i chose to do it at Casillas Elementary for a Halloween carnival. I helped set up all attractions and made sure the kids would not destroy the carnival, at the end of the day i realized how great it felt to actually spend time helping other people that are in need. Without me, the carnival would have been a disaster! (Maybe not). I liked it so much that i am willing to do something like this, it felt like a was doing the right thing. I was being a Good Samaritan.

-Alan Martinez

The Time I...

One time I was a good Samaritan was when I participated in prom. Not just any prom but a special needs prom. My church hosted a special needs prom with 200 participants. We danced, snacked rode in limos, the girls got corsages, and they got their hair and makeup done. It felt great to make their dreams come true and some of our own too.I still keep in touch with my date and he tells me everyday what a great time her had and how he can't wait for next year. I thank God for the wonderful opportunity.

Describe- Good Samaritan

A time when I acted as a good samaritan was when I was at church one saturday and I did not know but the youth group had decided to go out and feed the homeless. That day also was the birthday party of one of my good friends. I had to choose between going to my friends party early and being with her for a longer time or taking out 3 hours to go feed homeless. I also had the risk of her getting mad at me because I would not be the first one at her house. I decided to be a good Samaritan that day and I went out of my way, took time out of my day, and decided that I can see my friend all day any other day, and went out with them to feed the homeless. It was a very satisfying feeling, and I was proud about the good deed that I did. It was a good feeling knowing that I gave someone a meal for that day.
-Raquel Farfan

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Good Samaritan Law

I think that there should be a law that requires citizens to help others in need- whether is be a simple fall at a park, or a bully harassing kids. Some might disagree, because it is somewhat forcing people to get involved in things they probably do not want to get involved in, but there's methods in way to prevent conflict. There' the direct way or indirect way: Getting directly involved such as, helping a person from a jumping, or physically give someone CPR. Or the indirect way, by call 911, or informing someone that this people his in a situation. 
I think this should be a law, because it just makes the overall people better. If they won't want to do a good deed, then paying a fine is always the third option. The story of Princess Dianna and the paparazzi driving her to her death, and no one bothered to help get her out, or call the police or anything was heart breaking. I think situations like that should be taken to a more extreme measures- because in the end a person's life is more important than anything. 

Good Samaratian Law

Love your neighbor as yourself. That is the golden rule. We all need a good samaritain to cross our path now and agian, whether its because we don't have exact change, or we need some place because our house burned down. I can be as simple as giving someone two pennies. A good samaritain is just someone who helps you in the time when you need them the most. They are the good people in the world that are willing to do so and some are not. There have been some good points that prove why or why not there should be a law on this; whether they are for or against this theory of a law that oblige somone to help a random stranger in need. I belive that depending on the situation there people should find the kindess in them to help, but not all people have the willingness or the time to partake in such activities. Everyone has freedom in how they act towards anothers suffering but everyone deserves help from others sometimes.

Good Samaritan Law

I think that by law we should be forced to help someone when they are in need of assistance. It could be a life or death situation and maybe because of the ignorance of a person who is afraid of getting sued the other person may die. In my opinion if the "good samaritan" helps the other with good intent there really is not a reason for why they should worry about getting sued. This law I believe is crucial to be inputted in our society because I think that it will teach us to love our neighbors, to stop the fleshly ways of being selfish and only caring about oneself and their immediate family and allow us to open our eyes to the people around us who need our help as well. I think that if our society had this law then we would be better people because then we would be aware of the dangers there really is, and we would all start to consider the needs of others and not only their own.
-raquel farfan

A Good Samaritan Law

Although as good as it is to help others out in their needs or situations, I argue that helping others should not be a law. Nobody should be forced to help someone else, if they do not want to. Helping out others is great for both, but sometimes you try to help out and it ends up resulting worse than how the situation started. Some people do not follow the rule "treat others the way you wish to be treated". Because people do not follow this rule, why should people be forced to help others out. Say you help someone, and get nothing in return as the way you wish to be treated. I do not think you will ever help that person out in the future, right? Therefore, I state that helping people out should be done voluntarily, rather than being done by force just because it is a law.
- Frida Perez/ Period 4


The Samaritan law are regulations or acts protecting those who choose to assist and tend to other when they are ill or in need of help. In my opinon I think we should be obligated to do something if a person is in need. I dont think it is charitable to witness a horrible action, and just walk away, and act if it never happen. I think of it as if I was the person who was been tortured or being abused. i beleive in the pharse , "treat others as you wished to be treated". This relates to the smaritan because we wouldnt want to abused or ill. We need that help to push foward. Even though we have enemies we can still care for them and still provide things. Again i think we should be obligated to do something if a person is in need.

Good Samaratin Law- Raffi

 A good samaratin is a person who does something good for their community or for others without being asked to do so. There should not be a good samaratin law that pushes a person to be a "good samaratin." Reasons why is because everybody has a choice for themselves and they might have something else to do at the time. Say somebody accidently tripped on something and injured their leg or ankle and they are in pain. Of course somebody would want to help them, but when a law demands for them to help no matter what, it takes away the meaning of a good samaratin. A person does it for the joyous feeling of helping someone not for a unecessary law. As said before, everybody has a choice for themselves. Nobody can be forced.


Common people should not be mandated by law to abet others in need. How can anyone be forced to help others that are in need? Some people do not have eneough good in them to be kind to others. Some people have grown up with horrible pasts and do not understand why they should help people when no one had helped them, their entire life. An example of the people that have had horrible pasts, would be people who grew up being neglected, abused, or looked down upon. How can people expect people who have horrible hardships understand the meaning of helping others? Although, it is said that you should treat others how you would like to be treated, my arguement ties into this idea because people who have never been helped or have not known where to look for help, do not know how to help others. However, there are still people in this world who have grown up with people constantly surrounding them with help and all the blessings they could ask for in life, yet they still do not feel they should help people. An example of this type of person would be people that were born into wealth. In my opinion, people can not be forced to do anything that they are not willing to do, but, fortunately there are people in this world that are caring and recieve a piece of enlightenment out of helping people.
- Mimi Taylor

Good Samaritans' Or Not?

Helping The One's In Need.
A Good Samaritan is the type of person that our society needs to keep moving forward, think about it if everyone was selfish and cruel our world wouldn't be planet earth. More like sphere of disaster. Even though they are something vital i don't think people should be forced against their will to help another in need. If there was a shooting at a school and they held 3 kids hostage with a gun, this can easily be turned into nightmare because if you HAVE TO try and help them then you can be the one he shoots or even worse murder all four. It should just stay like it is. It should be the persons choice to help someone or not, do you have the courage? The time? The chance? If yes then awesome for you because you're a Good Samaritan. Now that you've made up your mind, being a Good Samaritan is truly a great thing but can end up deadly as well. Are you a Good Samaritan? Or a selfish human?

-Alan Martinez period 4

The Good Samaritan Rule

I believe that the rule to make someone help someone in need isnt necesary. i think that people have the good in their heart or they dont. it should be the poeples choice when to help and when not. and what if your forced to help but for some reason you cant. would they prosecute you? the rule is rediculous and it should be left up to the people when and if they will help.
Dyllian jensen