The day of the black out was unexpected. I was walking down my neighborhood from school, when suddenly all the lights shut off. The neighbor's wacky music suddenly stoped, people started to walk out of houses, and when i was walking by my house i did not hear the loud tv coming from my sisters bedroom.
"thats odd" I wondered.
Suddenly I heard a car honking at me, and in fear turned around to see a man in a white van waving at me.
"Oh no! A child molester" I thought,my eyes wide open in fear.
"hi holkan"
It was gery my mother's boyfriend.
"Ohh hi gery" I said in relief.
We both exchanged greetings and walked inside to see my mom on her cellphone, and my sister bored laying down on the couch.
I came to figure that something was wrong since the tv, nor the air conditioning were on , and it was a really hot day.
"We got the power cut off", said my mother worried before greeting gery.
"But we barely payed the electricity bill" i said in a confused tone. "how is that possible?"
suddenly gery's cell phone started ringing. It was his kids telling him the same bad news.
"thats odd" said gery in surprise, "Go ask the neighbors if everything is okay."
And so i did. and they had the same incident.
Suddenly when i ran back to deliver the news we all heard.
A man with an alarming voice through a mega phone warning us all, " Stay in your homes, repeat, stay in your homes, this is for your own safety."
"Osama is back!!!" cried my sister while running to her room to get a flashlight for later use.
"We should get going" said my mom. There's traffic already forming.
"Were are we going?" i asked wondering still not knowing why gery was here
"tj, your aunt invited us for an afternoon enchillada meal" replied my mom
After wards i rememebered how there was a quincianera practice today.
Later on my mom left to the family reunion, I went to the practice and came back to a pitch black house. I used candles to illuminate my room so I could complete homework. After i finished i went to bed, smiling in the dark night. Smiling for my 3 day weekend.
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