Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Business Letter

143 Seasame Street
San Antonio, TX 90210
September 21, 2011

Mr. Peter Sherman
Olympian High School
42 Wallaby Way
Chula Vista, CA 12345

Dear Congressman Sherman:

In regards to implementing a Good Samaritan Law, I believe that we should not have a Good Samaritan Law because it may bring upon more consequences that are needed, it will put more citizens in danger, and we may even endanger the citizen already in need of aid.

We can put ourselves in danger when helping a person because many citizens are not qualified or trained to help save a person's life in a dangerous situation. Also, in the act of trying to abet someone, we may injure or harm them futher, and therefore, legal action may have to be used to resolve problems that were caused by the harm done. Lastly, we as Americans cannot force anyone to help one another because that it is unethical to force someone to do something that may bring more harm than good in a society that is becoming more dangerous and unpredictable.

Thank you for your time and consideration, please contact me to let me know your perspective.


Kaylin Diaz

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