Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blackout- Raffi Rillo

I was at my house, having fun with my two friends LeAndre Powell and Joaquin Kinnamon when all of a sudden you hear a quick pop and everything is off. At first I thought that it was just my house with the blackout, but then my friend called me and asked if I had a blackout, of course, I say yes. For about 2 hours we were bored and had nothing to do. Eventually LeAndre went home and me and Joaquin decided to go to Victor Limon's house. Since it was still sunny outside, we went into Victor's pool and swam for like 2 or 3 hours. After that, we went to play basketball and ended the night. Me and Joaquin decided to spend the night at Victor's. It wasn't that hard to see at night because with all the lights off, the moon was shining brightly. Also stars were very clear to see.

Now on the dependence of electricity with humans, situations like this brought out the family bonding out of people. Most human beings stay at home, watch t.v., go on the computer, and do something associated with electricity. This also emphasizes that people cannot live their lives normally without electricity. How reliable are we?  

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