Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Buisness Letter

755 Dragonfly St.
Chula Vista CA 91913
20 September, 2011

Mr. Bill Juarez
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista CA 91913

Dear Congressman Juarez:

I am writing to you regarding the Good Samaritan Law, and whether or not it should be passed. I believe that we should not have the Good Samaritan Law.

We should not have the Good Samaritan Law because if we do, then we are obligated to help someone we see in need or needs help. If we do not have this law then it is better because what if we don't know what to do or we make the situation worse and end up getting sued, when we didn't even want to help. Not having this law can let people  who actually want to help be Good Samaritans because they want to, not because they are forced to or else they are not even being Good Samaritans.

I thank you for your time, and hope you take my thoughts into consideration.


Giovanna Gallardo

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