Tuesday, September 20, 2011

business letter-alissa hernandez

1568 shasta st.
Chula Vista Ca, 91913
September 20, 2011

Mr. Charlie Brown
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913

Dear Congressman Brown,

I am addressing you in regards to whether or not California should implement a Good Samaritan Law. I firmly disagree with the Good Samritan Law due to numerous reasons including how lawsuits or future problems can occur if this law passes.

Having a Good Samaritan Law may seem like a good idea and may be beneficial but then again it has its negative problems. Even though it may seem like a smart way to have someone help another person out, it may lead to serious obstacles. For example, if a victim is hurt and someone decides to help out and something goes wrong while helping the victim out, the victim may sue the person helping him/her out. A Good Samaritan is helping a person out by the kindness of their heart, when they willingly choose to help out the community not when they are forced to help someone out. Therefore a Good Samaritan Law should not be enforced due to these reasons.

Thank you for taking time to read this. I appreciate if you take my opinion into deep consideration.

Alissa Hernandez

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