This Thursday September 8 2011, a blackout occured on the southern part of California and northern part of Baja California, Mexico. It happened abot 3:30 p.m, I can remember because at that time my mom had stop by Vons to buy the groceries. My mother and I go to the marcket, get was is necessary and as soon as my mother is about to pay, the whole lights of Vons just start to go on and off really quickly, and then finally it goes off. As soon as this happened the manager starts to tell workers to turn on the back up one, which then all comes back to normal, but now they would not let people come in the store because of the blackout. My mother and I just thought it was some wrong with the plaza where Vons and other stores where, but as I we were exiting the parking lot, we saw people out of the bank and also the radio stations did not work. At that time my mom was realizing that it must have been a blackout. When we get to stop light it was without any light, everything was all out of light, power! Then all of a sudden my dad calls to tell us that it was a blackout and that it had spread all the way to Calexico. This was shocking news so we headed straight home, and stayed there and listen to the radio for more news while my brother, sister and I were outside playing with the rest of the neighbors.
-Alexa Calderon :)
-Alexa Calderon :)
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