Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Business Letter

1050 River Dr.
Chula Vista, CA, 91911
20 September 2011

Mr.Victor Sparks
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913

Dear Congressman Sparks:

I am writing this letter to you, regarding wheter or not we should have a "Good Samaritan" Law. I would like to explain to you, why I think it is a great idea to have a "Good Samaritan" law.

I honestly think that the U.S.A should have a "Good Samaritan" law, since it is going to help many people out there. Many times we see people that are in need and we do not stop and help them out, since we do not have a law that enforces us to help. In another hand, if we had a "Good Samaritan" law we would be obligated to stop and help, that would lead to a better situation since we can help to save someone's life. Our society would become more united over time, thanks to the law.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you consider my point of view.


Arlette Arenas

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