Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Say No To Plagiarism

          Plagiarism is a serious crime. It involves someone copying someone else's work precisely as it is written and labeling it as their own. Plagiarizing is an easy way out so you will not have to do any real work, but it is not helping you or even the person who wrote it. From what I know, the person is actually harming themselves by not giving himself or herself a chance to gain a skill that will most likely help them in the future. Back then, it might not have been a big deal because we did not have the technology to figure out if someone has plagiarized or not, but now that we do the person can be caught within the hour. Plagiarism can become a habit and can ruin a persons future, especially in a university or collage if they get caught, in which at some point they will. In high school it involves a big, fat "F" in their citizenship grade and a zero percentage on the assignment they plagiarized on, but at least it does not go on your transcript. However, in a collage or university if you plagiarize and get caught, it can result in expulsion and a permanent sign on your back to all other collages or universities that you have plagiarized once and might do it again.A wrong doing that could not be taken back once it is done. That is why hard work should always be a persons first choice because later on they will have something to be proud of and lets face it, even brag about.

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