632 Port Trinity
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Mr. Frederick Prederick
Congressman Prederick
Rederick Inc.
630 Port Trinity
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Prederick:
My name is Danny Lancaster and i am concerned about the possibility of a good samaritan law being passed in California. I do not think that such a law should be instated because its side effects out-way its benefits.
A world in which every citizen is a potential savior to another in need is a great world, but unfortunately this is unlikely to ever happen perfectly. A law requiring everyone to help outs the rescuers at risk of being sued by the very person or that person's family for trying to save their lives. If a law endangers the majority of the public to being sued it is un-just and should not be passed. An accompanying series of laws that provide clear guidelines protecting rescuers is the first step to improving upon this law. Still, every possible situation would need to be thought of and all kinks worked out for it to be logical to pass this law.
I look forward to the day a perfect good samaritan law is passed, but for now morals will have to govern rescue efforts. Thank you for your time.
Danny Lancaster
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