PLAGIARISM IS ILLEGAL! The act of Plagiarism is when you use someone elses thoughts or ideas as your own. If you just simply take a quote from an article and forget to cite the author, it is considered a form of plagiarism. If you read an article and simply copy and paste information from the article it is considered plagiarism or if you re-word someone elses thoughts. Even something as simple as copying another students essay is considered plagiarism because you are trying to make something belong to you when you did not fathom the idea yourself. PLAGIARISM IS WRONG! How would you like it if you had come up with an amazing theory about how the world had evolved and someone took credit for your work? Although simplistic acts of plagiarism may not seem wrong at the time, you should always make sure to double check your works to make sure you have given credit to all the people you had obtained information from. Lastly, if you are doing homework and simply copying the answers from answer key websites, you can still get in large amounts of trouble. Consequences of plagiarizing consist of getting an "F" on an assignment, getting suspended, or if your in college it can be a consequence as serious as losing your education! So if you do the best you can to avoid plagiarism, you will not run into these issues. Use your own ideas and thoughts or give credit when using another person's thoughts.
-Mimi Taylor
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