Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Business Letter

1812 Olive Green Street
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 21, 2011

Miss Sandra Decalf
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913

Dear Congresswoman Decalf,

      I am writing to you to discuss the matters of the Good Samaritan Law. I believe we should not have a Good Samaritan Law based on our society today and on moral behavior.

      In our society we already have too many things to worry about. This law would just add on to the worries we already have such as work and maybe even taking care of kids. With this added law, people would also have to worry about the people in need who might be actually deceiving them for an unknown reason or about getting sued by someone that they did help but something went wrong. Having a Good Samaritan Law will also take away the moral of abetting somebody out of the goodness of there heart. Most Americans are raised on the thought that abetting someone without asking for anything in return is a benefit to the helper and the helped. For self-esteem and pride. But if it is required by law to abet someone then the value of the moral goes down.

       I thank you for your consideration in reading this and I hope you also consider my opinion on the matter.


Keony Lardizabal

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