I am surpisingly happy about what happened on Sepetember 8, 2011 , which was the BLACK OUT. I remeber that day all sports that were practicing at school had to evcauate area. I was first sad about the situation , reasons why was because the school was supposed to have a pep assembly and i was very excitied and also i couldnt text or call my loved ones !. I got picked up and dropped off home, and then i walked to my friend Erikas house, i told her to sleepover and she did . But honestly the best part of the black out is being with my family, we bonded more ,and didnt have no distriactions. This Black out also made me realize how lucky we are to have electricity . We all should be thankful that we have this power usage , if we didnt , our world wouldnt become how it is today .
-Hannah Haller
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