Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Business Letter

1735 Kincaid Avenue
Chula Vista, California, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mr. No-name
Olympian Highschool
1925 Magdalena Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91913
Dear Mr. No-Name: In the discussion of whether or not California should have a Good Samaritan law, I wish to inform you sir, that Good Samaritan should not be passed due to people having fear and hesistation to aid others.
There is a wall between helping and making matters possibly worse. It can be hard on the person who is willing to help to cope with the idea. They have to think quickly or act quickly, and is expected aid them and potentially save them. However, complications can insue when people are planning to be heroic. Hesistation due to concern of thier own wellbeing. People are indeed putting thier lives at risk to help someone. And if things did all go smoothly, what if the person in need of help, has passes? Is it right for the hero who put his or her's best efforts to saving the distressed, to get sued or to get wrongfully judged, if they were not able to save him or her? Good Samaritans now, are in good rish of getting punished by the law, if this Law is passed. It is best if the Law should not be passed.
Thank you for your time to read this letter. I would appreciate it of you took my reasoning in consideration.
Jan-Marini Pacleb

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