Wednesday, September 7, 2011

No Plagiarism

Since we were little we've been taught to not steal. So why do it now? Plagiarism is practically the same thing! It's when you take the words of someone else, and say that you wrote them yourself. It's stealing someone else's work and telling others it's yours. We should not plagiarize in the first place because it's illegal, and really, who in an accelerated 10th grade english class wants to be doing something against the law? Also, because it makes us look bad over all. It makes our intelligence level look low, like if we don't have the brain to make up our own work. It makes us seem unoriginal, and i'm pretty sure that a university wouldn't want a student of these qualities to attend their school.
- Raquel Farfan

               OK if i was to turn in something like that up there, I would be in serious trouble plagiarism is illegal. At Olympian High punishment for plagiarism is to be sent to the office, get a ref feral  go to Saturday school, and get an F in the assignment you copied. It should not be allowed anywhere because you are taking full credit for someone elses work. If you find an idea or two that you like from someone else's work you are able to putt it in yours as long as you paraphrase or write it in your own words. In Raquel's sentence number 5, if i like it i can put it as "First of all don't plagiarize because its illegal and second if your in an accelerated class you shouldnt have to try and plagiarize." Instead of "We should not plagiarize in the first place because it's illegal, and really, who in an accelerated 10th grade english class wants to be doing something against the law?" 

-Alan Martinez Pd. 4

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