Wednesday, September 14, 2011

blackout! :0

Last thursday on September 8th, there was a poweroutage in all of san diego county. Because of the Poweroutage, there was a blackout and everyones' electricity went out. When I got home from school that day my cousin and I made mac n cheese and then our neighbor came over and informed us about there being no power. As we attempted to turn on a light, we realized that it suddenly became extremely hot in our house. The air conditioning had shut of as well as the television. Not knowing what we should do, I attempted to call my parents, but my phone was dead. When i plugged my phone charger into the outlet my phone completely died and thats when I realized it was only the beginning of a really badd night. As it approached the last couple hours of the day my parents and I set up candels around the house and looked for any flashlights we could. All the food that we had in the freezer went bad as well so, we basically had no food or light all that night. I'm personally terrified of the dark and I had to be in it all night.. Might have been the scariest night i've ever had.
-Mimi Taylor

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