1368 Santa Cora Ave.
Chula Vista, CA 91913
21 September 2011
Mr. Glasses Jacket Shirt Man
Don't Forget The Supa
1234 Sike That's The Wrong Number Street
Chula Vista, CA 91917
Dear Congressman Shirt Man,
I am writing to you to highlight the good samaritan law in California and inform you of my opinion on it. I think there should be a good samaritan law because citizens do not have to worry about getting accused for making things worse when in fact they were helping and they may personally suffer for the time they put in to aid somebody.
The good samaritan law is eventually going to make the society better. Citizens could help somebody that got injured or is in a bad predicament and could possibly make the situation worse. The person could probably sue and now the citizen that tried to help is facing charges. Also certain workers of the society may not have time to help. A very busy assistant can be on their way to work, already late, and somebody gets injured near them. What can they do in that situation? There could be a possibility of them getting fired or in huge trouble by their boss. All of these concerns in the citizens' minds can be removed by the good samaritan law.
Thank you for the time you put in to read my letter. Please consider my proposal to have a good samaritan law because people should naturally be good samaritans in the first place.
Raffi Rillo
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Business letter
1127 Elm avenue
Chula Vista Ca, 91911
Semptember 21 2011
State official
2012 Area 52
deathstar core, 9365
Dear Mr.Swingline:
In the United states the ideation of allowing the good samaritan law has comed into question. However the United states will greaty be affected by such act,thus I suggest that the law should not passed.
Helping someone in need is moral, but not smart. If the law was to be passed the american citizens can come in contact of crime, danger, and the misfortune of the chance of getting sued. if the acting of hero does not come as planned, and the individual gets more hurt, it is by law legall that that man has the right to sue. Also the so called victim could be faking and attack the helper that is by law forced to react to such sittuations. Furthermore the helper could severely get hurt in the process. The good Samaritan Law is moral toward humanity, but very dangerous around our community.
Thanks for your time
Sincerely~ Sprint
Chula Vista Ca, 91911
Semptember 21 2011
State official
2012 Area 52
deathstar core, 9365
Dear Mr.Swingline:
In the United states the ideation of allowing the good samaritan law has comed into question. However the United states will greaty be affected by such act,thus I suggest that the law should not passed.
Helping someone in need is moral, but not smart. If the law was to be passed the american citizens can come in contact of crime, danger, and the misfortune of the chance of getting sued. if the acting of hero does not come as planned, and the individual gets more hurt, it is by law legall that that man has the right to sue. Also the so called victim could be faking and attack the helper that is by law forced to react to such sittuations. Furthermore the helper could severely get hurt in the process. The good Samaritan Law is moral toward humanity, but very dangerous around our community.
Thanks for your time
Sincerely~ Sprint
1936 Emeryville CT
Chula Vista, CA 91913
September 21, 2011
Mr. Bobbles Pringles
Congressman of Pudding World
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Mr. Pringles,
I am writing to you stating my concern about the new Good Samaritan Law that is up for discussion right now, whether it should be passed or not. I think that the Good Samaritan law should be passed because it's a great way to show unity and a sense of morality.
Encouraging people to help others in need always a plus; it's not forcing them. Fining a person for not following a law is the penalty for a lot of minor laws such as: not paying taxes. For example, taxes weren't ever needed to create a good country, but the state governments needed money, and basically implied that citizens of states need to pay taxes in everything they buy. That applies to the Good Samaritan Law as well. It's not needed, but it's a good law to have around, it has a sense of consciousness, and how people are setting their moral standards.
Thank you for taking your time to read my concerns.
Monica Lee
Chula Vista, CA 91913
September 21, 2011
Mr. Bobbles Pringles
Congressman of Pudding World
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Mr. Pringles,
I am writing to you stating my concern about the new Good Samaritan Law that is up for discussion right now, whether it should be passed or not. I think that the Good Samaritan law should be passed because it's a great way to show unity and a sense of morality.
Encouraging people to help others in need always a plus; it's not forcing them. Fining a person for not following a law is the penalty for a lot of minor laws such as: not paying taxes. For example, taxes weren't ever needed to create a good country, but the state governments needed money, and basically implied that citizens of states need to pay taxes in everything they buy. That applies to the Good Samaritan Law as well. It's not needed, but it's a good law to have around, it has a sense of consciousness, and how people are setting their moral standards.
Thank you for taking your time to read my concerns.
Monica Lee
Buisness Letter
1075 Torrey Pines Rd.
Chula Vista, CA 91915
September 21, 2011
Miss Batelo
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Miss Angela Batelo:
I am writing on behave to discuss about the Good Samaritan Law. It seems that there are many arguments on the subject of passing this law or not. I have come to tell you that I think the law should not be passed.
This law should not be passed because I feel that it's not really fair and good in a way. If people were naturally Good Samaritan's, they should not have to pass a law for it. People should do things from the heart, not because they have too. Also, there are already many laws that California has and so far it seems many people have broken many of these laws. What makes us think by passing this law that people may actually follow it as well? I think that passing the law really would be just a waste of time. People should do good acts from the heart, not from the law.
Thank you for taking the time to read my opinion and thoughts!
Alyssa Bautista
dear congressman Frederick
632 Port Trinity
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Mr. Frederick Prederick
Congressman Prederick
Rederick Inc.
630 Port Trinity
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Prederick:
My name is Danny Lancaster and i am concerned about the possibility of a good samaritan law being passed in California. I do not think that such a law should be instated because its side effects out-way its benefits.
A world in which every citizen is a potential savior to another in need is a great world, but unfortunately this is unlikely to ever happen perfectly. A law requiring everyone to help outs the rescuers at risk of being sued by the very person or that person's family for trying to save their lives. If a law endangers the majority of the public to being sued it is un-just and should not be passed. An accompanying series of laws that provide clear guidelines protecting rescuers is the first step to improving upon this law. Still, every possible situation would need to be thought of and all kinks worked out for it to be logical to pass this law.
I look forward to the day a perfect good samaritan law is passed, but for now morals will have to govern rescue efforts. Thank you for your time.
Danny Lancaster
Business Letter
1735 Kincaid Avenue
Chula Vista, California, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mr. No-name
Olympian Highschool
1925 Magdalena Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91913
Dear Mr. No-Name: In the discussion of whether or not California should have a Good Samaritan law, I wish to inform you sir, that Good Samaritan should not be passed due to people having fear and hesistation to aid others.
There is a wall between helping and making matters possibly worse. It can be hard on the person who is willing to help to cope with the idea. They have to think quickly or act quickly, and is expected aid them and potentially save them. However, complications can insue when people are planning to be heroic. Hesistation due to concern of thier own wellbeing. People are indeed putting thier lives at risk to help someone. And if things did all go smoothly, what if the person in need of help, has passes? Is it right for the hero who put his or her's best efforts to saving the distressed, to get sued or to get wrongfully judged, if they were not able to save him or her? Good Samaritans now, are in good rish of getting punished by the law, if this Law is passed. It is best if the Law should not be passed.
Thank you for your time to read this letter. I would appreciate it of you took my reasoning in consideration.
Jan-Marini Pacleb
1545 autumn sky ln
chula vista ca 91915
September 20 2011
State official sam
State official
us government
1925 magdelena
chula vista ca 91915
Dear state official sam:
California shouldnt have a good samaritan law implemented at these times. its too dangerous and morality shoould control that not a law.
the truth is that people are too afraid of getting sued for making the situation worse. they dont know that person and the person might get mad. also we should trust the morality in all our samaritans to decide when they should help or not.
thank you for your time and i hope i have given you another insight into this topic and you think it over.
Dyllian Jensen
Business Letter
1644 Orinda Court
Chula Vista, California, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mr. Gerald Mangles
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Mangles:
I am writing to you that we should not have a Good Samaritan Law. Having a Good Samaritan Law can ruin our society.
Some may say that the Good Samaritan Law is beneficial to American society , but there are negative effects that may happen. Having the Good Samaritan Law will force people to help others in need. This means people who are inexperienced have to help the victim and possibly worsen the situation the victim is in. For example, an inexperienced man who is applying pressure onto a wound of a stranger's limb may lead the stranger to losing a limb. This is one reason why we shouldn't have a Good Samaritan Law.
Thank you for your time and consider not to apply a Good Samaritan Law.
Audie Mendaros
Chula Vista, California, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mr. Gerald Mangles
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Mangles:
I am writing to you that we should not have a Good Samaritan Law. Having a Good Samaritan Law can ruin our society.
Some may say that the Good Samaritan Law is beneficial to American society , but there are negative effects that may happen. Having the Good Samaritan Law will force people to help others in need. This means people who are inexperienced have to help the victim and possibly worsen the situation the victim is in. For example, an inexperienced man who is applying pressure onto a wound of a stranger's limb may lead the stranger to losing a limb. This is one reason why we shouldn't have a Good Samaritan Law.
Thank you for your time and consider not to apply a Good Samaritan Law.
Audie Mendaros
Business Letter
1930 Potato Ranch Drive
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mr. Jacob Potatohead
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Potatohead:
I am writing this letter to you in order to discuss my opinion on the Good Samaritan Law that may or may not be passed in California. I wish to inform you that I do not believe the Good Samaritan Law should be passed because some people are afraid to act due to certain risks that they may take or endure.
It is important that we the people put ourselves in good samaritans' shoes. For example, imagine that we rescue a drowning victim. We pulled them out of the water, but now what? The victim requires mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; if we couldn't implement such a dire task, it is not like we could walk away. So, what if our skills in performing CPR were rudimentary? If we were to try, we could possibly worsen the situation, and even be sued by their loved ones. One reason I disagree with passing the Good Samaritan Law is due to the fact that people may not be able to perform, or in other words, people do not want to take the risk. Another reason as to why I disagree with passing this law is due to the fact that people may wish to not risk any injuries. Take Princess Diana's incident for example; photographers only took pictures of her trapped under a car. Yes, they were callous and chose not to help her, but what about bystanders? Possibly, people on the sidelines wanted to help, but maybe something held them back. Bystanders could have thought that they did not want to risk becoming injured while trying to save her, or possibly they just did not know how to approach the idea. Pressure could be another reason why this law should not be passed. The Good Samaritan Law threatens the good samaritans who are afraid to act with considerable reasons, and if the law were to be passed, they would commit an inequitable crime for their own personal circumstances.
Thank you for taking the time to look over my letter. I hope you take my opinion and reasoning under careful consideration.
Arlynn Adamos
Business Letter
1770 East Palomar St
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mrs. Esther Vargas
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congresswoman Vargas,
I am writing to you in regards of whether California should have a Good Samaritan Law. I believe we should not have a Good Samaritan Law due to society's behavior and actions today.
Whether we have the Good Samaritan Law or not, there can still be complications and they might start problems between the Samaritan and the person who got saved. For instance, If someone where to see someone drowning, and they are not someone who is certified to save them, like a lifeguard, they could get sued for some "complications" that could happen during their act of kindness. Today's society has many things to worry about already, such as jobs, school, or even taking care of children or other family members. With so many worries, to add the care of other people to the list would just add to the stress of others. Also, today's society includes violence, such as gangs or drug dealers. People today are afraid to step in to help someone who is getting harassed, not knowing if and how they will get hurt in return for their heroic act.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope you consider my opinion and my reasoning.
Annaly Onate
Business Letter
1812 Olive Green Street
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 21, 2011
Miss Sandra Decalf
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congresswoman Decalf,
I am writing to you to discuss the matters of the Good Samaritan Law. I believe we should not have a Good Samaritan Law based on our society today and on moral behavior.
In our society we already have too many things to worry about. This law would just add on to the worries we already have such as work and maybe even taking care of kids. With this added law, people would also have to worry about the people in need who might be actually deceiving them for an unknown reason or about getting sued by someone that they did help but something went wrong. Having a Good Samaritan Law will also take away the moral of abetting somebody out of the goodness of there heart. Most Americans are raised on the thought that abetting someone without asking for anything in return is a benefit to the helper and the helped. For self-esteem and pride. But if it is required by law to abet someone then the value of the moral goes down.
I thank you for your consideration in reading this and I hope you also consider my opinion on the matter.
Keony Lardizabal
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 21, 2011
Miss Sandra Decalf
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congresswoman Decalf,
I am writing to you to discuss the matters of the Good Samaritan Law. I believe we should not have a Good Samaritan Law based on our society today and on moral behavior.
In our society we already have too many things to worry about. This law would just add on to the worries we already have such as work and maybe even taking care of kids. With this added law, people would also have to worry about the people in need who might be actually deceiving them for an unknown reason or about getting sued by someone that they did help but something went wrong. Having a Good Samaritan Law will also take away the moral of abetting somebody out of the goodness of there heart. Most Americans are raised on the thought that abetting someone without asking for anything in return is a benefit to the helper and the helped. For self-esteem and pride. But if it is required by law to abet someone then the value of the moral goes down.
I thank you for your consideration in reading this and I hope you also consider my opinion on the matter.
Keony Lardizabal
Business Letter
143 Seasame Street
San Antonio, TX 90210
September 21, 2011
Mr. Peter Sherman
Olympian High School
42 Wallaby Way
Chula Vista, CA 12345
Dear Congressman Sherman:
In regards to implementing a Good Samaritan Law, I believe that we should not have a Good Samaritan Law because it may bring upon more consequences that are needed, it will put more citizens in danger, and we may even endanger the citizen already in need of aid.
We can put ourselves in danger when helping a person because many citizens are not qualified or trained to help save a person's life in a dangerous situation. Also, in the act of trying to abet someone, we may injure or harm them futher, and therefore, legal action may have to be used to resolve problems that were caused by the harm done. Lastly, we as Americans cannot force anyone to help one another because that it is unethical to force someone to do something that may bring more harm than good in a society that is becoming more dangerous and unpredictable.
Thank you for your time and consideration, please contact me to let me know your perspective.
Kaylin Diaz
San Antonio, TX 90210
September 21, 2011
Mr. Peter Sherman
Olympian High School
42 Wallaby Way
Chula Vista, CA 12345
Dear Congressman Sherman:
In regards to implementing a Good Samaritan Law, I believe that we should not have a Good Samaritan Law because it may bring upon more consequences that are needed, it will put more citizens in danger, and we may even endanger the citizen already in need of aid.
We can put ourselves in danger when helping a person because many citizens are not qualified or trained to help save a person's life in a dangerous situation. Also, in the act of trying to abet someone, we may injure or harm them futher, and therefore, legal action may have to be used to resolve problems that were caused by the harm done. Lastly, we as Americans cannot force anyone to help one another because that it is unethical to force someone to do something that may bring more harm than good in a society that is becoming more dangerous and unpredictable.
Thank you for your time and consideration, please contact me to let me know your perspective.
Kaylin Diaz
Business Letter - Frida Perez
7576 Candy Way
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mrs. Polka Dot
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, Ca, 91913
Dear Congresswoman Dot,
I am writing to you in regards of whether or not California should implement the Good Samaritan law. I disagree with the Good Samaritan law because being a Good Samaritan should be of a personal act of kindness.
A Good Samaritan law may seem beneficial but may cause many legal problems. Being a Good Samaritan should be encouraged rather than implemented. For example, if you see someone who had just fainted and perform CPR incorrectly, the issue may get worse and you may end up being sued. That is also the reason why the Good Samaritan law would not be beneficial to you or the victim.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this letter. I hope you take it into consideration.
Frida Perez
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 21, 2011
Mrs. Polka Dot
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, Ca, 91913
Dear Congresswoman Dot,
I am writing to you in regards of whether or not California should implement the Good Samaritan law. I disagree with the Good Samaritan law because being a Good Samaritan should be of a personal act of kindness.
A Good Samaritan law may seem beneficial but may cause many legal problems. Being a Good Samaritan should be encouraged rather than implemented. For example, if you see someone who had just fainted and perform CPR incorrectly, the issue may get worse and you may end up being sued. That is also the reason why the Good Samaritan law would not be beneficial to you or the victim.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this letter. I hope you take it into consideration.
Frida Perez
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Business Letter
1444 Blairwood Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
20 September 2011
Mrs. Sarah Dessen
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congresswoman Dessen,
I am writting this letter to you, because I believe that we should have a Good Samaritan Law. The Good Samaritan Law will create a better society to all.
In my opinion we should have a Good Samaritan Law because you help others in need. Most of the time people are in need, especially the elderly, once having the Good Samaritan Law everything will be easier. The Good Samaritan Law will not only help pepole in need, but also it would set a great example for all the other states that do not have the law. It would speak really good of us.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you can cosider my opinion.
Alexa Calderon
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
20 September 2011
Mrs. Sarah Dessen
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congresswoman Dessen,
I am writting this letter to you, because I believe that we should have a Good Samaritan Law. The Good Samaritan Law will create a better society to all.
In my opinion we should have a Good Samaritan Law because you help others in need. Most of the time people are in need, especially the elderly, once having the Good Samaritan Law everything will be easier. The Good Samaritan Law will not only help pepole in need, but also it would set a great example for all the other states that do not have the law. It would speak really good of us.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you can cosider my opinion.
Alexa Calderon
business letter-alissa hernandez
1568 shasta st.
Chula Vista Ca, 91913
September 20, 2011
Mr. Charlie Brown
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Brown,
I am addressing you in regards to whether or not California should implement a Good Samaritan Law. I firmly disagree with the Good Samritan Law due to numerous reasons including how lawsuits or future problems can occur if this law passes.
Having a Good Samaritan Law may seem like a good idea and may be beneficial but then again it has its negative problems. Even though it may seem like a smart way to have someone help another person out, it may lead to serious obstacles. For example, if a victim is hurt and someone decides to help out and something goes wrong while helping the victim out, the victim may sue the person helping him/her out. A Good Samaritan is helping a person out by the kindness of their heart, when they willingly choose to help out the community not when they are forced to help someone out. Therefore a Good Samaritan Law should not be enforced due to these reasons.
Thank you for taking time to read this. I appreciate if you take my opinion into deep consideration.
Alissa Hernandez
Chula Vista Ca, 91913
September 20, 2011
Mr. Charlie Brown
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Brown,
I am addressing you in regards to whether or not California should implement a Good Samaritan Law. I firmly disagree with the Good Samritan Law due to numerous reasons including how lawsuits or future problems can occur if this law passes.
Having a Good Samaritan Law may seem like a good idea and may be beneficial but then again it has its negative problems. Even though it may seem like a smart way to have someone help another person out, it may lead to serious obstacles. For example, if a victim is hurt and someone decides to help out and something goes wrong while helping the victim out, the victim may sue the person helping him/her out. A Good Samaritan is helping a person out by the kindness of their heart, when they willingly choose to help out the community not when they are forced to help someone out. Therefore a Good Samaritan Law should not be enforced due to these reasons.
Thank you for taking time to read this. I appreciate if you take my opinion into deep consideration.
Alissa Hernandez
Business Letter
1050 River Dr.
Chula Vista, CA, 91911
20 September 2011
Mr.Victor Sparks
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Sparks:
I am writing this letter to you, regarding wheter or not we should have a "Good Samaritan" Law. I would like to explain to you, why I think it is a great idea to have a "Good Samaritan" law.
I honestly think that the U.S.A should have a "Good Samaritan" law, since it is going to help many people out there. Many times we see people that are in need and we do not stop and help them out, since we do not have a law that enforces us to help. In another hand, if we had a "Good Samaritan" law we would be obligated to stop and help, that would lead to a better situation since we can help to save someone's life. Our society would become more united over time, thanks to the law.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you consider my point of view.
Arlette Arenas
Chula Vista, CA, 91911
20 September 2011
Mr.Victor Sparks
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Sparks:
I am writing this letter to you, regarding wheter or not we should have a "Good Samaritan" Law. I would like to explain to you, why I think it is a great idea to have a "Good Samaritan" law.
I honestly think that the U.S.A should have a "Good Samaritan" law, since it is going to help many people out there. Many times we see people that are in need and we do not stop and help them out, since we do not have a law that enforces us to help. In another hand, if we had a "Good Samaritan" law we would be obligated to stop and help, that would lead to a better situation since we can help to save someone's life. Our society would become more united over time, thanks to the law.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you consider my point of view.
Arlette Arenas
Buisness Letter
755 Dragonfly St.
Chula Vista CA 91913
20 September, 2011
Mr. Bill Juarez
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista CA 91913
Dear Congressman Juarez:
I am writing to you regarding the Good Samaritan Law, and whether or not it should be passed. I believe that we should not have the Good Samaritan Law.
We should not have the Good Samaritan Law because if we do, then we are obligated to help someone we see in need or needs help. If we do not have this law then it is better because what if we don't know what to do or we make the situation worse and end up getting sued, when we didn't even want to help. Not having this law can let people who actually want to help be Good Samaritans because they want to, not because they are forced to or else they are not even being Good Samaritans.
I thank you for your time, and hope you take my thoughts into consideration.
Giovanna Gallardo
Chula Vista CA 91913
20 September, 2011
Mr. Bill Juarez
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista CA 91913
Dear Congressman Juarez:
I am writing to you regarding the Good Samaritan Law, and whether or not it should be passed. I believe that we should not have the Good Samaritan Law.
We should not have the Good Samaritan Law because if we do, then we are obligated to help someone we see in need or needs help. If we do not have this law then it is better because what if we don't know what to do or we make the situation worse and end up getting sued, when we didn't even want to help. Not having this law can let people who actually want to help be Good Samaritans because they want to, not because they are forced to or else they are not even being Good Samaritans.
I thank you for your time, and hope you take my thoughts into consideration.
Giovanna Gallardo
Business Letter
2291 Journey St.
Chula Vista CA 91915
September 20th 2011
Mr. David Garcia
State Official
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Avenue
Chula Vista CA 91915
Dear State Official David Garcia:
I believe that we should have a good Samaritan law because it forces you to help others. The good Samaritan law should be implemented because it will make our society happier and will help us get along more with each other.
There are people who will disagree with me and think that it takes up too much time, on the other hand you are taking up that time to help someone in need. The help you give somebody will maybe help you when your in need of help.
Thank you for your time and please consider my statement about implementing a good Samaritan law.
Sophia Gallardo
Chula Vista CA 91915
September 20th 2011
Mr. David Garcia
State Official
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Avenue
Chula Vista CA 91915
Dear State Official David Garcia:
I believe that we should have a good Samaritan law because it forces you to help others. The good Samaritan law should be implemented because it will make our society happier and will help us get along more with each other.
There are people who will disagree with me and think that it takes up too much time, on the other hand you are taking up that time to help someone in need. The help you give somebody will maybe help you when your in need of help.
Thank you for your time and please consider my statement about implementing a good Samaritan law.
Sophia Gallardo
Business Letter
2030 Mount Bullion Dr.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 20, 2011
Mr. Jose Moore
State Official
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Official Moore:
I am writing to you concerning the "Good Samaritan" law that the state wants to impose. I would like to tell you how I view the effects of this law if we don't adopt it.
I think that California should not have a law that enforces one to be a "Good Samaritan". I think this because then it will allow the citizens of California to grow morally. It would make us grow morally because we have to use common sense on whether or not to help a person in need. I believe that in a society like the one that we're growing in it is important to show our neighbors and kids morals and to choose the right decision whether or not to help someone in need. Also, we would not want to hold a bystander liable for the injury of someone because of a law. Maybe they could not help because they were afraid of making it worse, or because they simply did not know how to help.
Thank you Official Moore for your time. My desires are that you think about my statement and consider it when deciding to adopt the law or not.
Raquel Farfan
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 20, 2011
Mr. Jose Moore
State Official
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Official Moore:
I am writing to you concerning the "Good Samaritan" law that the state wants to impose. I would like to tell you how I view the effects of this law if we don't adopt it.
I think that California should not have a law that enforces one to be a "Good Samaritan". I think this because then it will allow the citizens of California to grow morally. It would make us grow morally because we have to use common sense on whether or not to help a person in need. I believe that in a society like the one that we're growing in it is important to show our neighbors and kids morals and to choose the right decision whether or not to help someone in need. Also, we would not want to hold a bystander liable for the injury of someone because of a law. Maybe they could not help because they were afraid of making it worse, or because they simply did not know how to help.
Thank you Official Moore for your time. My desires are that you think about my statement and consider it when deciding to adopt the law or not.
Raquel Farfan
Business Letter
1757 Bellagio st.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 20, 2011
Congressman Bob Smith
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Avenue
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Bob Smith:
Being a good samaritan has been a choice of moral standard. I believe we should not have a good samaritan law because us citizens will be forced to be in a situation that can put us at great risks.
In most cases, there are an infinate amount of situations where good samaritans who try to help put themselves at an even greater risk of getting injured. This would make the complication worse by adding on more problems and more people to worry about. Or what if the so called "victim" is faking and is part of a group and ambushes the good samaritan? Also, there have been numerous accounts of good samaritans being sued by the victims for their actions dispite their personal relationship. With that said, ask yourself this; how could someone, who's only intention is to help another person, be sued for their heroic act to stand up and help?
Thank you going out of your way and reading my perspective and I would gladly appreciate it if you consider my complaint.
Julie Mavez
Juile Mavez
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
September 20, 2011
Congressman Bob Smith
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Avenue
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Bob Smith:
Being a good samaritan has been a choice of moral standard. I believe we should not have a good samaritan law because us citizens will be forced to be in a situation that can put us at great risks.
In most cases, there are an infinate amount of situations where good samaritans who try to help put themselves at an even greater risk of getting injured. This would make the complication worse by adding on more problems and more people to worry about. Or what if the so called "victim" is faking and is part of a group and ambushes the good samaritan? Also, there have been numerous accounts of good samaritans being sued by the victims for their actions dispite their personal relationship. With that said, ask yourself this; how could someone, who's only intention is to help another person, be sued for their heroic act to stand up and help?
Thank you going out of your way and reading my perspective and I would gladly appreciate it if you consider my complaint.
Julie Mavez
Juile Mavez
Monday, September 19, 2011
Business Letter
1995 Parker Mountain Rd.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
19 September 2011
Carlitos J. Yaperousky
United States Congressman
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913
Dear Congressman Yaperousky:
I am writing this letter in regards to the "Good Samaritan" laws. I will be stating whether or not I agree with the laws and why.
I believe that California should not have "Good Samaritan" laws. I believe this because simply forcing people to help others is not going to fix the liability problem. If someone tries to help someone else in need, and only makes the situation worse, does he become liable for any further damages? The current laws say yes. That is why people are afraid to help others; they are afraid to get in trouble. If you must pass a law addressing the issue, it should be a law that protects would-be "Good Samaritans."
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope that you consider my point of view.
Clinton A. Barnes
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Black Out

I am surpisingly happy about what happened on Sepetember 8, 2011 , which was the BLACK OUT. I remeber that day all sports that were practicing at school had to evcauate area. I was first sad about the situation , reasons why was because the school was supposed to have a pep assembly and i was very excitied and also i couldnt text or call my loved ones !. I got picked up and dropped off home, and then i walked to my friend Erikas house, i told her to sleepover and she did . But honestly the best part of the black out is being with my family, we bonded more ,and didnt have no distriactions. This Black out also made me realize how lucky we are to have electricity . We all should be thankful that we have this power usage , if we didnt , our world wouldnt become how it is today .
-Hannah Haller
San Diego Blackout
On September 8, 2011, a massive blackout turned off the lights on all of San Diego County. I was at Decathlon practice when the power first went out. We knew there was no electricity because both the lights and air conditioner shut off suddenly. After I got home at around 5, I started preparing flashlights and candles. We were lucky that we had just gone camping, so we had plenty of lights and batteries. My family just sat in the patio, listening to the radio, and playing cards.
The blackout reminded me of how attached I have become to electronics. It was nice to take a break from it, but I would not want to do it again anytime soon. I do believe that the dependency on electricity is a bit out of hand, but I do believe that the things that it can do are extremely necessary.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The blackout of September 8th, 2011- which lasted for about a whole day really changed my life. Not only did I realize how much I depend on electricity, phone lines, and the internet, and how unprepared my family was when it came to situations like a blackout.
Most of the time, we just used candles, and tried figuring out a way to eat. Since all the stores were closed right when the black out occurred, and there was no gas working. I remembered we had these individual gas powered stoves. So all we me and my family did was stay outside, in the backyard and cooked on that mini stove the whole night, with candles and had kind of like a bonding session for the day. Though, it was really boring, since I couldn't really do my homework, being difficult to see.
Another experience that really changed my life, was being in the dark for so long. I have really bad paranoia and I'm terrified of the dark, but after spending a couple of hours in the dark, I got used to the idea. I peacefully slept with no night light that day.
During the blackout, I was coloring and playing hide and go seek with my little sister. I could not turn on anything in my house because there obviously was no light. I feel that it is sad to see how many people rely on electricity because without it, many would not survive. For example, in hospitals people would die without their machines working. People should not rely on electricity too much, because you never know what might happen to it. If it goes away forever, or just for a little while. It is never certain.
- Frida Perez / Period 4

At September 8,2011 after school while doing homework I noticed the blackout once my TV suddenly turned off. I went outside to check if everyone else had this black out and a few people were outside checking their "electric box thing". I was doing all of my homework as fast as I could before I could not be able to see what I am writing due to the dark. With my free time I played outside finding out that a lot of people were outside too playing or walking their dogs. Once I got inside the house to sleep I noticed it was very hot and did not want to sleep inside the house. I actually camped outside were it was colder and made a tent on my terrace and slept inside there. Our dependency on electricity is very strong. We use electricity every day and rely on it. For example we rely on electricity for light, entertainment, and many other things. When the blackout occurred I did not know what to do or what to prepare because everything I could of think of used electricity.

But looking at the panic that had happened around my neighborhood, made the fact that humans are now naturally dependent on electricty. And having that dependency, can make the U.S vunerable for hours or maybe days. It was good that the power had came on in the early hours of Friday, and it gave everyone including myself some relief that electricity was back. But now we have to be a bit more wary for the next time we have a black out.
-Jan-Marini Pacleb

This month on Thursday September 8,2011, many areas in San diego and parts of mexico experienced a blackout for more than six hours. I was on my laptop copying vocabulary words for ap world history then all of a sudden, all the lights were turned off. I was freaking out when this happened because I did not get to finish copying down the vocabulary words that were due the next day which was Friday. Throughout the evening, it got so hot in my house and we had to use candles in order to see.I was playing on my ipad for a couple of hours in my car while listening to the radio to hear the events that occured and impacted in the streets and in stores. Right around twelve am, my dad woke me up and told me that the lights were back on. But then, the school called the next morning that school was cancelled for today. Without electricity, The city of San Diego will be left vulnerable and can be attacked from anybody outside. Also, people would start looting stores such as snacks, water, or even money.
-Rylee Nazareno
September 8, 2011 Blackout
This blackout experience was, as much as I would like to say, shocking. It happened around 3:30 P.M. but my dad and I did not find out until around four o'clock, when we went to go pick up my sister at Southwest Collage. Just when we were already in the car and about to leave, my dad clicked on a button to close the garage door, but nothing happened. He got out of the car and someone from our communities front office came up to him and told him how we were having a brownout, but he did not know for how long or if we were the only region. Later, on the road after my dad manually closed the garage, we noticed how most of the street were not working. My dad even made a comment on how badly people drive because they were not following the; "act like it is a four way stop," rule. After we picked up my sister we decided to look for gas because we only had a quarter left, but all the gas stations were closed. We looked for almost and hour, I could not believe it. Even the Navy base was closed with no stored open. So we sadly accepted it was best to go home and cook since the stove ran on gas and we have dozens of candles and around five flashlights. My dad cooked soup that night called, Nilaga, which has vegetables and beef or pork. Yummm. And since we have dozens of empty water bottles as well, we filled them up with sink water, just in case. While we ate, we watched a movie on my sisters laptop which started to die as well. Not until afterwards around 8 P.M. did we find out my touch screen phone was the only one out of their two blackberries that had an FM radio. To think one person in Arizona, killed the lights for millions of people in I believe two to three states. The broadcasters at the time were our only link to see what was happening in other places. Hearing people call in saying where they live just got their lights back on and that everybody's lights should be restored in the next day or two gave me the feeling that everything will be alright. We went to sleep at 3 A.M. when finally our lights came back on.
Americans dependency is very strong when it comes to the topic of electricity. Everyday we wake up in the morning not even considering if the electricity is on, we just assume it is. For centuries, people have known that light takes away the darkness that is often assimilated to evil which could be one of the reasons why we are so dependent on it, but a lot of our light sources come from electricity. During the blackout, on September 8th, many people including me found out how unprepared we were for an unexpected emergency. People were driving everywhere trying to get gas or find ice for their freezers before everything spoils, which also caused numerous accidents. Electricity has become one of our basic needs in life that we cannot live without, it is even a base for almost everything in our society. TV's, internet, cooking, music, cars, cooking, even reading. Some people, I know do not depend on electricity as much as other people, and some might disagree but our dependency on electricity might not be such a good thing after all.
Americans dependency is very strong when it comes to the topic of electricity. Everyday we wake up in the morning not even considering if the electricity is on, we just assume it is. For centuries, people have known that light takes away the darkness that is often assimilated to evil which could be one of the reasons why we are so dependent on it, but a lot of our light sources come from electricity. During the blackout, on September 8th, many people including me found out how unprepared we were for an unexpected emergency. People were driving everywhere trying to get gas or find ice for their freezers before everything spoils, which also caused numerous accidents. Electricity has become one of our basic needs in life that we cannot live without, it is even a base for almost everything in our society. TV's, internet, cooking, music, cars, cooking, even reading. Some people, I know do not depend on electricity as much as other people, and some might disagree but our dependency on electricity might not be such a good thing after all.
What now?

The day of the black out was unexpected. I was walking down my neighborhood from school, when suddenly all the lights shut off. The neighbor's wacky music suddenly stoped, people started to walk out of houses, and when i was walking by my house i did not hear the loud tv coming from my sisters bedroom.
"thats odd" I wondered.
Suddenly I heard a car honking at me, and in fear turned around to see a man in a white van waving at me.
"Oh no! A child molester" I thought,my eyes wide open in fear.
"hi holkan"
It was gery my mother's boyfriend.
"Ohh hi gery" I said in relief.
We both exchanged greetings and walked inside to see my mom on her cellphone, and my sister bored laying down on the couch.
I came to figure that something was wrong since the tv, nor the air conditioning were on , and it was a really hot day.
"We got the power cut off", said my mother worried before greeting gery.
"But we barely payed the electricity bill" i said in a confused tone. "how is that possible?"
suddenly gery's cell phone started ringing. It was his kids telling him the same bad news.
"thats odd" said gery in surprise, "Go ask the neighbors if everything is okay."
And so i did. and they had the same incident.
Suddenly when i ran back to deliver the news we all heard.
A man with an alarming voice through a mega phone warning us all, " Stay in your homes, repeat, stay in your homes, this is for your own safety."
"Osama is back!!!" cried my sister while running to her room to get a flashlight for later use.
"We should get going" said my mom. There's traffic already forming.
"Were are we going?" i asked wondering still not knowing why gery was here
"tj, your aunt invited us for an afternoon enchillada meal" replied my mom
After wards i rememebered how there was a quincianera practice today.
Later on my mom left to the family reunion, I went to the practice and came back to a pitch black house. I used candles to illuminate my room so I could complete homework. After i finished i went to bed, smiling in the dark night. Smiling for my 3 day weekend.
blackout! :0
Last thursday on September 8th, there was a poweroutage in all of san diego county. Because of the Poweroutage, there was a blackout and everyones' electricity went out. When I got home from school that day my cousin and I made mac n cheese and then our neighbor came over and informed us about there being no power. As we attempted to turn on a light, we realized that it suddenly became extremely hot in our house. The air conditioning had shut of as well as the television. Not knowing what we should do, I attempted to call my parents, but my phone was dead. When i plugged my phone charger into the outlet my phone completely died and thats when I realized it was only the beginning of a really badd night. As it approached the last couple hours of the day my parents and I set up candels around the house and looked for any flashlights we could. All the food that we had in the freezer went bad as well so, we basically had no food or light all that night. I'm personally terrified of the dark and I had to be in it all night.. Might have been the scariest night i've ever had.
-Mimi Taylor
-Mimi Taylor
Blackout- Raffi Rillo
I was at my house, having fun with my two friends LeAndre Powell and Joaquin Kinnamon when all of a sudden you hear a quick pop and everything is off. At first I thought that it was just my house with the blackout, but then my friend called me and asked if I had a blackout, of course, I say yes. For about 2 hours we were bored and had nothing to do. Eventually LeAndre went home and me and Joaquin decided to go to Victor Limon's house. Since it was still sunny outside, we went into Victor's pool and swam for like 2 or 3 hours. After that, we went to play basketball and ended the night. Me and Joaquin decided to spend the night at Victor's. It wasn't that hard to see at night because with all the lights off, the moon was shining brightly. Also stars were very clear to see.
Now on the dependence of electricity with humans, situations like this brought out the family bonding out of people. Most human beings stay at home, watch t.v., go on the computer, and do something associated with electricity. This also emphasizes that people cannot live their lives normally without electricity. How reliable are we?
Now on the dependence of electricity with humans, situations like this brought out the family bonding out of people. Most human beings stay at home, watch t.v., go on the computer, and do something associated with electricity. This also emphasizes that people cannot live their lives normally without electricity. How reliable are we?
Scary blackout of doom!!
Last Thursday at around four o'clock, my computer shut off in the middle of me procrastinating. Thoroughly annoyed, I walked downstairs to see if we had blown a fuse somehow, but nothing was wrong with them. My dad then called to me from the back yard ,where he was reading, and told me it was a blackout and that the whole city didn't have electricity. He then proceeded to go on and on about how this was good for my technology reliant generation and how i should spend some time reading my books. i decided to try this new-fangled idea of reading outside of school and went outside to enjoy a story. This would have been great but the story i had chosen was complete and utter garbage so i decided to throw being an intellectual out the window and went to ride my bike around town. I set out at around five, and by that time the streets were pretty bogged down with inexperienced drivers who did not know how to operate their cars because the street lights had gone out. As a result I was nearly hit by an SUV driven by a woman wearing sunglasses that resembled two decently sized satellite dishes plastered onto her face. A little unnerved I peddled home. Once back my dad barbecued chicken on the grill and we ate outside at dusk. It was nice and I wish we would do it more often. Just as we finished, we collapsed on the couch sufficiently full and bored. Just then as if arranged by Valkyries they electricity came back on.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Blackout 9/8/11

This Thursday September 8 2011, a blackout occured on the southern part of California and northern part of Baja California, Mexico. It happened abot 3:30 p.m, I can remember because at that time my mom had stop by Vons to buy the groceries. My mother and I go to the marcket, get was is necessary and as soon as my mother is about to pay, the whole lights of Vons just start to go on and off really quickly, and then finally it goes off. As soon as this happened the manager starts to tell workers to turn on the back up one, which then all comes back to normal, but now they would not let people come in the store because of the blackout. My mother and I just thought it was some wrong with the plaza where Vons and other stores where, but as I we were exiting the parking lot, we saw people out of the bank and also the radio stations did not work. At that time my mom was realizing that it must have been a blackout. When we get to stop light it was without any light, everything was all out of light, power! Then all of a sudden my dad calls to tell us that it was a blackout and that it had spread all the way to Calexico. This was shocking news so we headed straight home, and stayed there and listen to the radio for more news while my brother, sister and I were outside playing with the rest of the neighbors.
-Alexa Calderon :)
-Alexa Calderon :)
Black Out
The Thursday night blackout was a fun and interesting experience. When the power went out we were all hungry and had to make something eat, because we did not know how long till the electricity was going to go back on. So our gas still worked and my mom light a match and we were able to cook some rice and chicken for dinner. When it started to get dark we put out candles all over the house and used flashlights to see better. Then we went outside and talked to the neighbors and had a great time talking, and just hanging out. After the black out I realized that we do rely a lot on electricity, but we do not need to use it to have fun.
- Giovanna Gallardo
- Giovanna Gallardo
Black Out 2011
My experience during the black out was pretty interesting. When the black out happened i was down stairs listening to music and then suddenly the music stopped I turned to look at the time and it was off. I knew the power went out but I thought it would come back in an hour we cooked before we did not have anymore gas and we did homework with flashlights. Then the school called and said there was no school so we went next door to the neighbors house and stayed up talking and looking at old pictures. i realized that even though we did not have TVs Internet or music to entertain us we had other activities to do and be together as a family.
Black Out

Alyssa Bautista
Black Out .

9-8-11 was one of the scariest most boring day of my life. I was sitting on the couch watching tv with my brother and sister and the tv went off. It was still bright outside so we usually have the lights off to save electricity. I thought by brother turned off the tv to be funny but when I looked at him he seemed as confused as I was. I walked into the kitchen to try to turn on the light but it didn't work. I had already done my homework so I went in my room to try to read but I got bored so I went downstairs to wait for my sister to finish her homework. After about an hour it started to get dark so we lit a bunch of candles and sat around to talk. In another it was pretty dark so we lit a fire in the back yard and chilled there eating soup and grilled cheese (made by me) and again, talked. After a while my sister went to her car and started listening to the radio and I went out there with her, by then it was pitch black out. My hot neighbor was talking to his dad in his front yard so I invited him over to chill with us in my backyard by the fire. We talked for about an hour the I went inside, Laid on the couch and called my boyfriend. The End.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday night blackout
When the blackout happened, I was in San Ysidro, I had just gotten out of McDonalds and I was in one of those parking lots where you have to pay & to get out the person at the stand lifts up the yellow stick. Of course, we got stuck inside of the parking lot, and my dad being the critical man he is he started to yell at the lady thinking that it was her fault that the stick wouldn't go up. We saw that there was an opening on the other side & were able to get out through there. Afterwards we noticed that through out the streets & the freeway that no lights worked, once we turned on the radio and heard what had happened everything made sense. When we got home I was actually pretty excited, I went out on my longboard with my camera & took video of the community, of what people were up to and the different ways we reacted to this blackout, my battery died and so I decided to go out to the park & read a book, I was there until the sun went down, then walked home. This experience allowed me to see that in the society nowadays depends way too much on electricity. I say this because everyone was pretty much confused and didn't know what to do. A lot of my neighbors just went to sleep early, some just sat outside in the dark. As for me, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't cook anything, and I couldn't text, I couldn't go on the internet, I couldn't watch the TV, I felt like I failed because I couldn't entertain myself without the help of electronics, my light was a candle and that didn't help much.
-Raquel Farfan
-Raquel Farfan
Blackout 9-8-11
OK i was in the middle of my shower when all hell broke loose. I suspected my sister or brother was just fooling around and pulled a prank but no! The lights went off, so did the t.v, the stove, the microwave, even later my rocky road ice-cream was melting, i was mad. I felt like a pilgrim with no electricity and no phone just living the simple life. Me and my brother went to Walmart but it was closed down. We were desperate for candles so we kept driving around until we found Target, but it was so packed that it looked like Black Friday! I had to push people out of my way to get the few lighters that were left while my bro got the candles. The streets were crazy, you had to use your own judgement on when to make a turn or when to cross the street. People said there was going to be a terrorist attack and i laughed. Some were saying the world was going to end some also saying the blackout was going to last for days.
The Blackout

The dependency on electricity refrains people of today. Nowadays, people spend more time watching television or surfing the internet than spending time with family. With just one blackout, the everyday activities of beings falter. People would stress over conserving the electricity on their cell phones or laptops, but some wouldn't stress over the matter of being around the family now that distractions such as television or internet were temporarily gone. In conclusion, the dependency on electricity distracts the average human from living conservative lives.
Blackout Experience!

When the blackout occurred last thursday, I was at my house with my sister and a friend. We had just arrived from school and it was about 3:45, we where looking for something to eat, when all the lights went completely off. We thought that it was just our building, but then we started hearing the firefighters sirens, and we saw that some stop lights were not working, we eventually realized that it wasen't just us, but many people without light. Since we didn't have anything else to do, when my mom arrived from work, my sister, my mom, and I went outside and sat around the pool. We were not the only ones outside, we saw many neighbors that also decided to spend some time outside with their family members, there were kids playing soccer, others running, and everyone was just having a good time. When it started to get dark, we decided to go back home, and turn on the candles that we had. We talked for a while inside our house, and then we went back outside for a little while to appreciate how wonderful the sky looked. There were many shinning stars, and a beautiful bright moon. As all those things happend, we of course wanted to talk to some of our family members, to see if they were doing allright, but house phones were not working, cell phones were not working either, so we had no communication until the next day. This blackout helped me realize that we actually depend a lot on electricity. Since we are so use to watch t.v, use the internet, talk on phones, etc. For me, it felt good to live a day without electricity, because it helped me appreciate what I have every single day. It was also fun, to live a day without electricity because it helped us, spend more time with loved ones. -Arlette
The Blackout
![]() |
This picture pretty much represents how I tried to entertain myself throughout the night of the blackout. |
As for the dependency on electricity, it is sad to see that people without power cannot even function well. People were so worried about their phones or iPods dying, and didn't even take advantage of the golden opportunity for family time that was given to them. It made people freak out about simple stuff that isn't neccessary for survival, and it makes me wonder how some of these people would act in a very dangerous situation, or how they would be stranded on an island. I think that the more and more we depend on things like electricity, the more we disable ourselves.
Blackout Experience

Who Turned Off the Lights?

Last Thursday evening at approximately 3:40 pm, I was in the library discussing irrelevant topics with a teacher and a few of my friends when suddenly everything shut off and it got dark. We didn't mind the dimness it was actually quite peaceful. We just went back to our conversation ignoring the fact that there was no electricity, probably because it was still day light and we were preoccupied. I rode my bike home thinking it was only the school that did not have electricity when I noticed that a few of the stop lights were not on. Considering the fact that I get hesitant when crossing big intersections because of the many times big tucks and vans have almost ran me over, I ended up looking like a weirdo riding my bike in circles back and forth on the sidewalk until the coast was clear. When I got home is was getting dark, from sunset until 7 my family and random neighbors were playing volleyball, football and racing around the neighborhood in our bikes, scooters, and motor scooters. It was all fun and games, we tried to make the most out of it since our excuse for our homework was that there was no light to finish it up. It wasn't until we got hungry when reality set in. It was time for us to be like cavemen. For some reason we have emergency kits in each room, we set up our candles and flash lights around the house then had some hot dogs for dinner outside like we were out camping. This whole experience made me thankful for what we take for granted. We rely on resources that may soon run out, what would we do then? I'm pretty happy if caught us off guard, we really needed it. It was like a reality check for all of us. We really ought to realize how lucky we are to be so spoiled. Which left me thinking, are we really worthy of such privileges?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Plagiarism- Raffi Rillo
Plagiarism is defined as the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. First of all this is unethical anywhere you go. So that should be enough to not do it. At Olympian High School the consequences for plagiarism is an "F" in citizenship, a zero on your work, a referral, and Saturday school. Obviously, nobody would want any of those. Also, 3 years from now, you are going to be in a college and if a professor sees that you have plagiarized the college can kick you out of their school. So basically, just do not plagiarize, it will end up coming back to you and kicking you in the butt. DON'T DO IT.
Plagiarism is wrong, illegal and does not help you learn anything. Plagiarizing other people's work is not the right thing to do, because your trying to take someone else's work and say it is your own, and get the credit for doing it, when this is really unfair to the person who actually did it. Plagiarism is illegal, because your not being original and your pretty much just lying and not even trying to get the work done on your one. Also, by plagiarizing, you learn nothing. All you might learn from plagiarizing is that you are learning how to copy someone else's work, but that will not lead you anywhere in life, and definitely not help you in the long run. Plagiarism is wrong and everyone should not do it, period.
- Frida Perez/ Period 4
Plagiarism is no joking matter. Since it is illegal, then it must be a serious offense. People should not plagiarize because there are serious consequences such as: getting an F for a citizenship grade and a zero on the assignment. It may result in losing privileges like losing the educational opportunity the person has, risking the loss of future opportunities, and losing the trust of the teacher. Lastly, it shows laziness on the part of the person plagiarizing, and it brings shame and humiliation. Not many people admit to plagiarising, in fear of the consequences, and the shame it may bring upon them is nothing a person would want. There are many more reasons why people should not plagiarize, but overall, everyone can agree it is unethical, illogical, and people just should not do it.
Plagiarism is a something that s very serious. If you ever do it, you can get into a lot of trouble. Plagiarism is not something you want to do, if you copy someone elses work you will never learn and will not go anywhere in life. It is also a bad thing to do because if you plagiarize in college it will result in being expelled even if it is your last year, it will not matter. So plagiarising is a bad idea and do not recommend anyone to do it.
Stopping Plagiarism
Plagiarism is something that is very serious and if you do it, it can result in differnt consequences. It is better not to do it at all because in college if you do plagirism you will get expelled from school and all the hard work you did in school will not matter. Plagiarism is something you should not do because in life you need to do your own work and copying will not get you anywhere in life. Plagiarism is very serious and it should not be permitted and it is something that no one should ever do.

PLAGIARISM IS ILLEGAL! The act of Plagiarism is when you use someone elses thoughts or ideas as your own. If you just simply take a quote from an article and forget to cite the author, it is considered a form of plagiarism. If you read an article and simply copy and paste information from the article it is considered plagiarism or if you re-word someone elses thoughts. Even something as simple as copying another students essay is considered plagiarism because you are trying to make something belong to you when you did not fathom the idea yourself. PLAGIARISM IS WRONG! How would you like it if you had come up with an amazing theory about how the world had evolved and someone took credit for your work? Although simplistic acts of plagiarism may not seem wrong at the time, you should always make sure to double check your works to make sure you have given credit to all the people you had obtained information from. Lastly, if you are doing homework and simply copying the answers from answer key websites, you can still get in large amounts of trouble. Consequences of plagiarizing consist of getting an "F" on an assignment, getting suspended, or if your in college it can be a consequence as serious as losing your education! So if you do the best you can to avoid plagiarism, you will not run into these issues. Use your own ideas and thoughts or give credit when using another person's thoughts.
-Mimi Taylor

Have you ever wonder, what would happen to you if you did plagiarism? Well plagiarism is illegal, since it's basically copying someone else's work. In college you basically get kicked out of school for just doing a single sentence of plagiarism. You should always cite were it came from, because there are consequences for not doing it. I dont think you would like someone else using your words and pretending that they did it on their own, so why do it, in the first place? Plagariasm is just something that shouldn't be done, because you could get in huge trouble, and even losing your education. If you do it in high school, you automatically get an F in citizenship, 0 in your assignment, and even a referral, so lets just try to avoid it.
plagiarism is worse than zombies...kinda
Plagiarism is the quickest way to become a pathetic writer and over-all student. There is no reason to copy someone else' work, it doesn't matter if it saves some time, or if you will get a bad grade on the assignment if you don't do it. A few extra hours on the computer or a better grade inst worth stealing over, and that's the thing most plagiarizers don't think about, they are stealing! Someone's words are their property the same as their car or sofa. Most high school students aren't thieves in real life so they need to stop being thieves in English class!

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