Monday, July 25, 2011

Bio- Clinton Barnes

My name is Clinton A. Barnes. I am a sophomore at Olympian High School. I have been a part of Olympian Academics since my Freshman year. In this picture, this was the final practice before the very last game of last season. When Mr. Boulton said to us, ""One Last Time, Guys," I almost cried. I am the one laughing, on the very end of the table. We were about to play for the JV championship against the toughest team in the South Bay league, Southwest. We decided to get one more practice in before the end. I love this game so much. The intensity, the excitement, and sometimes the disappointment. We ended up winning the championship, and it was the proudest moment of my life. It will be a sad day when I have to hang my shirt up. Moments like this one are ones I will hold on to for the rest of my life.

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