Hello there fellow readers! My name is Arlynn Adamos. I was born on April 12, 1996, and I'm currently 15 years old. I was born in National City, and due to my parents' desire for a bigger house, we moved to Chula Vista. I have 1 older brother who is currently a senior here at OHS; his name is Arjay. This year as a sophomore, I'm planning to receive straight A's--if humanly possible for an "Arlynn." Ever since I was in elementary school, I loved sports--or maybe LOVE sports. However, even though I have a love for sports, I hate running and conditioning; how
lovely. Indeed, there is sarcasm added to the word "lovely;" call it a second language. Honestly, I thought I'd be playing basketball up until college, but when one of my best friends introduced me to volleyball in 8th grade, I basically fell in love with the sport. I've had 1-2 years experience of volleyball and I'm hoping to keep it up. I enjoy playing the guitar and singing along, but mostly by myself--sometimes with friends; I have a horrible fear called, "stage-fright." Speaking of fears, there are two I'd like to share: spiders and anything scary (scary movies, pitch black darkness, paranoia, the list can go on). Of course there are different definitions of "scary" to everyone, so let's just say this is
my definition. I'm a major otaku, which means I am completely obsessed with anime, manga, etc. I've loved Pokemon all my life, but after a few years, my knowledge of the "anime subspecies" had opened up and seen anew. One of my favorite hobbies is reading random facts about anything--and really,
anything (as long as it's not for school, somewhat). It can go from how we're eating the same undomesticated bananas every other day to how someone traveled with Einstein's brain across the world. Also, if you're having trouble finding me in the picture, I'm the cool-looking one on the end with the Olympian Eagles hoodie. I'm kidding, but indeed it is so: I am that little creature right there(I enjoy saying the word "indeed").
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