Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bio- Julie Mavez

Hi fourth period! My full name is Julie-Ann Ty Cunningham-Mavez, it isn't one of the best names but it'll do. The top photo is from my recent trip to the Bay area where a couple of my cousins and I got the chance to fly up there one by one to spend 2 weeks with just us girls running around San Fran. The lower photo is me in my room showing off my decorations, which my older sister and I completed over vacation. Currently 14 years of age, born on the ninth of October, 1996. Born in the Crown city, right here in beautiful San Diego. Noticeably Filipino, a quarter Chinese, and somehow mixed in there I'm Spanish. To spare you from the ginormous family tree, I have 4 siblings. Josten and Jona are both my older bother and sister, Joshua and Jenna are the little ones. On the bright side, my personality isn't as unfortunate. I get pretty shy sometimes but someone you wouldn't regret meeting. I like to consider myself as sophisticated and outgoing, yet humble. I love traveling and I hope to see the whole world one day. I enjoy watching Criminal Minds, Gorge Lopez, a couple cartoon comedies and some oldies like The Nanny and That 70's Show. I love shopping like any other girl, I just don't usually buy as much, but it accumulates over time. I'm dying to try surfing and paddle boarding, along with dare devil stunts like bungee jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge and sky diving. Everything that involves an adrenaline rush, it's on my bucket list. I absolutely love singing, it's a passion of mine and I'll never stop. I also enjoy activities such as softball, basketball and biking which is a new free time activity I've recently taken interest of. One thing I really dislike are cats, they scare me and happy I'm allergic to them. When I grow up all I want is to be happy, I don't plan on being the richest person on Earth but content with how it will all turn out.

Andres Granillo

Where do I start.....well for starters, my name is Andres, or some people may know me by Andy. I'm 14 years old soon to be 15 in 3 months. I live with my mom who adopted my at 6 weeks old. Here's one interesting fact about me, I was born a triplet. I never met my third sibling because sadly, she passed away at birth. I do have a really close relationship with my older twin sister who is only older by 5 minutes; unfortunately she lives in L.A with my aunt. Ok, enough about that let's go on to the best part of my life. I have a passion for band...Yes, call me a "Band Geek" if you will, but it is something I love, and I hope to continue with that in the future. I'm also into baseball, it's a sport that I love to play. Even though I haven't played in 4 years one of my goals are to try out and, make the team. This is a little in-site about me, hope you have enjoyed it. I'll close this by saying PEEEAACE. ~andy

Bio- Raffi Rillo

My name is Raphael Rillo. I am 14 years old and I currently attend Olympian High School as a sophomore. I have great parents and two of the most amazing sisters in the world, Gabbi and Dominique. Im a guy that is easy to get along with and Im one of those people that is happy all the time. I find myself funny, but you know, thats my opinion. In this picture, I am taking the ball up the court in a tournament game up in Vegas. As you can see, basketball is my favorite hobby/sport to do. I currently play for the Thunder club basketball team. I am hoping to play for the Olympian basketball JV team. Maybe even Varsity, but thats not a sure thing. In the other photo is my MVP award that I won when I was on the Olympian freshmen basketball team. This concludes bio, thank you for reading. 

Alan's Basic Bio.

The Picture on the right is me messing around in Italian class with my cute friend Natalia, while on the left is my "Beffa" Emily in P.E just chilling (yes i look funny). Anyways What's up, The name is Alan Martinez & I was born in San Diego on December 10 1995, I'm 15 years old. I am currently a sophomore at Olympian High. I can be the person that gets along with everyone and have a great time. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother, they're all AWESOME and hilarious. Family is the most important thing in my life but so is school, i want to be accepted into a university, no i'm not close to being a nerd haha. Things I cant stand: People who brag about things such as clothes, money, etc. People who don't open their eyes and don't see how immature they sound/look, fake people, backstabbers, especially those who talk s*** behind your back & cant say it to your face. Things I love: Baseball or playing "catch", swimming is my favorite though Its good exercise and a good way to forget about "things", music is also a big one another way to brush things off my shoulder. I like hanging out with my Girlfriends, and going to the movies. Girls are a sick way to spend time because they're really chill and care about me unlike some guy "friends" that all they care about is being "popular" or to be "cool", while I'm just being myself not trying to imitate somebody else. That concludes my Bio...
oh and I'm NOT a fan of FaceBook (;

Bio- Rylee Nazareno

My name is Rylee Nazareno. I am 14 years old and was born on August 17, 1996 in Chula Vista,CA. I am an only child and I do a lot of things in life. When I was about one years old, I went to the Philippines and stayed their for about three years. Then I came back to Chula Vista. I played baseball ever since I was four years old and became very good at it. Then freshman year, I made the jv baseball team. I also play a travel team if the high school season is over. One quote about baseball that I have heard and makes me want to think: "Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical." - Yogi Berra. To me, this quote means that you should always think ahead of where the next play is gonna be if the ball hits to me in the outfield or when im catching. Also, I play two instruments. Violin and bassoon. I played violin for almost six years and bassoon about one and a half years. I play violin for the East County Youth Symphony and will soon be switching to bassoon. I also have a private teacher for bassoon. Currently, I play with the school orchestra and will soon be joining wind ensemble class next semester.

- Rylee Nazareno per.4   

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My educational experience

The first week of school was kind of rough for me. It seemed like everyone knew each other from middle school and I felt like the NEW KID all over again. I am currently taking one AP class and all the others are accelerated, except for P.E. of course. Although, I am very pleased with all my teachers and their teaching methods, the first week I felt very Overwhelmed. But as the days progressed and it became the the end of our first week , I realized that I just had to give Olympian a chance. Once I had changed my outlook, I felt more enthusiastic about waking up and going to school. Once my outlook had been changed, I started making friends and getting into the swing of things. Although, the classes I have selected will not be easy, I am willing to put forth the effort so that I can recieve the grades and education that I know can better my future.
-Mimi Taylor

Bio -Mimi Taylor

My name is Mimi. I am 14 years old and my birthday is on October 31st (Halloween). I am half Vietnamese and half black. I understand Vietnamese fluently, but I choose not to speak it. I have a five year old sister and have recently just moved down here from Victorville, California. My favorite band is Avenged Sevenfold and my favorite color is green. My favorite movies consist of Law abiding Citizen and Shaun of the Dead. My favorite thing to do in the whole wide world, would have to be, long boarding. I have been playing club volleyball for a couple years now, but have decided to take a break this year and focus more on my education. My plans for after high school are to get accepted into medical school and one day become a successful Plastic surgeon. But, for now, I live my life on a day to day basis and am loving every bit of finally being a sophomore.
- Mimi Taylor

Bio- Annaly Onate

My name is Annaly Onate. I am Mexican. I am 15 years old and was born June 5th 1996 in San Diego California. I did move around a lot when i was younger, but the farthest place i have lived would be Arizona. I love to write poetry and stories. I played the Viola in the Olympian High School Orchestra last year. I am currently in Band, in percussion. Im learning to play the Mallots. I also took dance for a year and a half. I'm Bilingual. Though i speak more English than I do Spanish. I'm very shy. If i'm ever put on the spot i usually freeze up. When it comes to helping others I step right in. I'm very respectful and love to learn. I will try my hardest or when I don't think its enough i try to exceed my goals. My favorite colors are purple and blue. I have two siblings, a younger brother named James and a younger sister named Elianyse. Yes, i am very shy, but once you get to know me and I can be as loud as my best friend/"twin" Ezra. I love to draw, though i'm not good at it. My dream is to be a lawyer. I plan on doing better and better each year so that i can graduate and go to Stanford or Harvard to achieve that dream.
-Annaly Onate period4

Bio-Arlynn Adamos

Hello there fellow readers! My name is Arlynn Adamos. I was born on April 12, 1996, and I'm currently 15 years old. I was born in National City, and due to my parents' desire for a bigger house, we moved to Chula Vista. I have 1 older brother who is currently a senior here at OHS; his name is Arjay. This year as a sophomore, I'm planning to receive straight A's--if humanly possible for an "Arlynn." Ever since I was in elementary school, I loved sports--or maybe LOVE sports. However, even though I have a love for sports, I hate running and conditioning; how lovely. Indeed, there is sarcasm added to the word "lovely;" call it a second language. Honestly, I thought I'd be playing basketball up until college, but when one of my best friends introduced me to volleyball in 8th grade, I basically fell in love with the sport. I've had 1-2 years experience of volleyball and I'm hoping to keep it up. I enjoy playing the guitar and singing along, but mostly by myself--sometimes with friends; I have a horrible fear called, "stage-fright." Speaking of fears, there are two I'd like to share: spiders and anything scary (scary movies, pitch black darkness, paranoia, the list can go on). Of course there are different definitions of "scary" to everyone, so let's just say this is my definition. I'm a major otaku, which means I am completely obsessed with anime, manga, etc. I've loved Pokemon all my life, but after a few years, my knowledge of the "anime subspecies" had opened up and seen anew. One of my favorite hobbies is reading random facts about anything--and really, anything (as long as it's not for school, somewhat). It can go from how we're eating the same undomesticated bananas every other day to how someone traveled with Einstein's brain across the world. Also, if you're having trouble finding me in the picture, I'm the cool-looking one on the end with the Olympian Eagles hoodie. I'm kidding, but indeed it is so: I am that little creature right there(I enjoy saying the word "indeed").

My Educational Experience

An education experience that I enjoyed during the first week of school at Olympian High School was in my english class. We made these posters explaining the ALP skills and habits of mind. I would say that was the best educational experience so far for me, because it made me realize how hard you have to try in school to succeed. This habit will then later be applied to us by the time we go to college, and it will always help us set our goals to be successful in life. In conclusion, I am really hoping to learn alot this school year, and really hope to achieve my goals that I have already set for myself.
- Frida Perez / Per 4

Bio- Frida Perez

My name is Frida Perez and I was born on June 28, 1996. I was born in National City, CA and I moved to Chula Vista about two years ago. Im the type of girl that likes to spend her weekends shopping, having sleepovers and having a good time. I have two siblings, an older brother and a younger sister. I do some modeling in Tijuana, BC for makeup, shoes and clothes for a photo studio called RAMON RAMON. I love to do nails, since my mom works at a salon. Im just a fun-loving 15 year old girl who likes to chill and just have an awesome time.
- Frida Perez / Per 4

Bio- Monica Lee

Hi! My name is Monica Lee, I'm 14 years old with a birthday of September 22, 1996. I'm pretty tall for an asian, 5'5". I was born and raised in San Diego, which I'm sick and tired of. I'm Korean, but I've never been to South Korea, ironically. My Korean name mean 'Thumb' which initially means best or awesome. So call me Awesome, haha just kidding. I talk fluent sarcasm, so don't be offended; though I'm very blunt, yet way too nice. Living contradiction. Ever since I was little I was forced into a bunch of activities from 4 years of oil painting, 3 of piano, 4 of Tae Kwon Do, 2 years of soccer, and so on. I've always been an athletic person since I was young, because it always relieved my boredom. Obviously, because I'm the only child. I hate vegetables, except for carrots and potatoes and what not. When I came to Olympian high school last year, I decided to do a sport to occupy myself, but what I didn't know was that this sport actually changed my passion. I had no experience in volleyball, I just played out of interest, and grew as a player. Other things I enjoy doing is singing, play MMORPGs, and watch anime- which I think just made me lazier than I already am. I online shop all the time, and just shop a lot in general. My friends, self morals, and philosophy are different very important to me as a person and a student. I hope to really strive to get good grades these next 3 years at OHS.

My Educational Expeience-Alissa Hernandez

The last couple of days at Olympian I really had to be prepared for what was coming ahead of me. I have been trying to bring back school habits. For example waking up early, doing my homework and getting back into the whole school routine. In the beginning it was quite challenging but now I am slowly getting the hang of it. All in all I am learning new and interesting facts that I never knew freshman year!

My educational experience

So far, my first three days at school have been a good educational experience. I have been able to see how Olympian High School focuses their academic plans for the students towards preparing them for college. I think that this will help all of us in the long run. As far as my classes I did not know what to expect when I entered the tenth grade. I was enthusiastic to see what was in store for my learning and I. In the past three days I have enjoyed so much and have been eager for the curriculum that is to be taught to us. I have met a lot of new people, and I have been able to branch out. All my teachers seem like very nice people and I am excited for the experiences that await for us in the next year.

Bio- Raquel Farfan

Hi, my name is Raquel & my fan is far. I'm 14 years old, about to turn 15 this September. I currently am a sophomore at Olympian High School and I honestly can't believe how fast time has passed. I have and hopefully always will be a San Diego resident. I, born and raised in Chula Vista, have a hispanic background, my grandfather being one of the people who helped Tijuana come to be the city it is in Mexico. God, my family and friends are everything to me, I have an older brother, a younger sister, and my mom and dad. My best friend Alexxa is the most important person, who isn't in my family, to me. Along also with my best friend-cousin Andres. My passion is music, Pierce the Veil is my most favorite band in the whole world. I couldn't live without it. I play guitar and piano. I love to take pictures of everything, my camera being very important to me. I am also an active person, everyday I run around the Otay Ranch community, or in my house on my treadmill; I also love to go riding around on my beach cruiser. I enjoy going to Disneyland more than any other child, I love all things Disney, I am obssesed, I also love Star Wars very much. I am a fun person when you get to know me, so get to know me! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

My name is, Keony Lardizabal. I currently go to Olympian High School as a sophmore, at 15 years of age. I was born in Chicago, on March 10, 1996. In the picture above, I'm standing next to my sister, who is in collage now. I have two sisters and one brother, who are all past high school. My favorite color is green and I like to point it out, every now and then. I'm usually shy at first and then when I get to know you I open up. I am Filipino and every few weeks, everybody in our family joins together to sing karaoke. Family is valued greatly in our culture and thats why everybody is so close. My favorite hobby is watching movies. We like to watch movies all the time, no matter what movie it is. Education is important to me. I strive to get good grades, so that by the end of my senior year I can graduate with pride.

Bio- Arlette Arenas

Hello my name is Arlette Arenas I was borned in Los Angeles on February 16 1996, im 15 years old. I currently attend Olympian High School as a sophomore. Im extremely shy at first, but once I get to know you I could talk a lot and have a great time. I have an older sister which I get along with pretty well. Family and friends are the most important thing I have in life. In my free time I enjoy playing guitar, I just think it's a good way to leave all your stress behind. I take school very seriously, since I want to end up in a really good university. I also love animals, my favorite are dogs and seals, I just think they are adorable. The one thing that I enjoy the most is watching movies! I just find it a great way to spend time with friends and family while having a great time.

Holkan Calles

Hello my name is holkan i was born in san diego, april 26,1996. I am a tenth grader at Olympian highschool. I am dedicated with my studies and look forward to a great school year. I am a guitar player at the Olympian high mariachi band. I can also play the saxaphone, a little bit of piano, and I sing. Music, poetry and running is my passion. I really like learning about the human body and hope to be able to become a medical engineer.

Bio - Audie Mendaros

Hi my name is Audie Mendaros I was born on September 14 ,1996 and also on the Philippines and stayed there until i was about 4 years old then I moved to the USA. I have 2 young sisters that loves to bother me but that doesn't bug me at all. My favorite hobbies are basketball, playing guitar, and most of all martial arts. I really love nature and the wild life outside but sadly they don't like me (Sad Face). I set goals for myself, try my best in school and aim to get A's in all classes. My favorite subject is science and I want to learn about the human body.

My Educational Experience- Julie Mavez

I woke up completely overwrought on the infamous first day of school. During the assembly and even on my ride to school, I was oblivious of what was happening around me. Once I was handed my schedule I couldn't look at it, it took me a while for me to turn it back around and see what I would have to endure for the rest of the school year. I left AP Wolrd History totally overwhelmed, trying to deny the fact that I will be starting everyday feeling distressed. Class by class, the day seemed to go in slow motion. To lessen the chances of me slacking, I tried my best to prioritize my classes. AP World History is what I assumed to be the only class I should concentrate on, but as you can tell by this late assignment I shouldn't just give my full attention to a particular class. The only thing my mind could process throughout the whole week was that I'm not capable of managing these classes and keeping up my gpa, but since I need to overcome this I have to work better as a student and understand that with this certain dilemma procrastination will not be tolerated.

Bio-Alissa Hernandez

My name is Alissa Hernandez and i was born in LA on October 17,1995. I am a very adventerous,sporty, and outgoing kind of girl. Soccer is my number one sport then comes volleyball. Soccer has been a huge part of my life ever since I was 4 years old. In this picture I am at Disneyland carrying my little sister Sofia. I have two younger sisters that mean everything to me. I spend most of my time at the beach, shopping, with family or friends, and taking risks that I won't regret. I absolutely love adventure and I do my best to live my life to the fullest!

Bio- Alexa Calderon

Hi my name is Alexa Calderon and I am 15 years old. My birthday is in October 4, 1995. I was born in Chula Vista. I have been dancing Danza Folklorika sice I was a about 7 years old. This is a hobby that I love and enjoy. Besides school and dancing, I also like to go out with my friends, go shopping and spend time with my family. Each year, me and my family travel just to get to know places and to have a great time. We have been to Cancun, Puerto Penasco, Grand Canyon, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Yosemite and Chicago. I love to travel because you get to view things from a different point of view. I would like to travel to Italy, England, France and Spain, that is my dream. Although I am saving up for our next trip that will be World Cup 2014 Brasil! It will be nice experience. Finally, for my future, I am still thinking of what would I like to be in life. I have some choices, but I haven't decided for which one. One thing I know for sure, I want a mini cooper as my car :)

Alexa Calderon

Bio- Jan-Marini (Jan) Pacleb

Hello world! My name is Jan-Marini Pacleb. I am 15 years old and attending Olympian Highschool as a sophomore. I was born in Japan, and stayed there until I moved to the U.S with my family when I turned 8 and currently living in Chula Vista ever since. I have a younger sister who is two years younger than me, and have an older cousin who is 27 (who is to me like my older brother) and 4 adorable puppies. I'm an author of 1 novel (which is also a reflection on what's inside my head) which I have started 3 year prior and is currently online for the world to see. To me, having my story online, is pretty nervewracking, since everyone can read it and anyone can comment good or bad. But it was something I always been thinking about for 3 years, so I went the extra step for people to acknowledge my passion in writing. And as seen here on this picture, it's me editing about on what chapter 21 "Out of Time" before I begin to type it, and eventually post it. I also enjoy in composing and listening to music, and enjoying life as I go through it on a daily basis.

Bio - Alyssa Bautista

Hello, my name is Alyssa Belle Bautista. New too Olympian, transfered from Eastlake High. Birthday, April 26, 1996. I was born in LA. I'm a super outgoing and happy person! I can be shy at first but once I'm confortable around you, i'll be all out and fun. I have played soccer since I was 4 years old. I play a lot of sports and do many things such as, surfing, boxing, running, dancing, & hopefully soon too be waterpolo! I don't like too take things too seriously because I like fun. If it has too do with school then I can be serious but other than that, let's laugh a little and kickback. I love my family with my whole heart and there #1! I have a dog named Nicki and a bird named Ricki. The beach & downtown are my 2nd homes where I spent almost everyday of my summer, I could live there. When i'm older, i'm going too become a traveler. I want too travel the world and learn and explore new things. My number one place I would like too visit is Rome, Italy. I've learned too take life as it comes and learned too live everyday like it's my last. I try and strive for the best and never settle for less. These are a couple of facts about me! Get too know me in person! You'll never know who I am through here!

Alyssa Bautista

My Personal Educational Expirience

On my first days of school, things were so much different then my old school. I was coming from a much larger school than Olympian and the change was very different. A different that I enjoyed. I like the smaller campus and the people that go here. It's gunna take a while to get some getting used too but, i'm excited for it. I like change for the better. It was hard finding my classes on thre first days but i'll get used to it. I'm excited for this new year!

Alyssa Bautista

Bio- Clinton Barnes

My name is Clinton A. Barnes. I am a sophomore at Olympian High School. I have been a part of Olympian Academics since my Freshman year. In this picture, this was the final practice before the very last game of last season. When Mr. Boulton said to us, ""One Last Time, Guys," I almost cried. I am the one laughing, on the very end of the table. We were about to play for the JV championship against the toughest team in the South Bay league, Southwest. We decided to get one more practice in before the end. I love this game so much. The intensity, the excitement, and sometimes the disappointment. We ended up winning the championship, and it was the proudest moment of my life. It will be a sad day when I have to hang my shirt up. Moments like this one are ones I will hold on to for the rest of my life.

Bio- Giovanna Gallardo

My name is Giovanna Gallardo, I am fourteen years old and I have lived in Chula Vista my whole life.  I am currently a sophmore at Olympian High School. I am the oldest of three I have a twin sister and a younger sister. I love spending time with my family and friends. During my free time I like to talk to my friends, listen to music and go shopping.  I also love to travel and see the world, if I could travel any where it would be Paris.    

bio- Sophia Gallardo

Hi my name is Sophia Gallardo. I was born on September 30, 1996. I have been living in chula vista my whole life. I have two sisters; a twin sister and a younger my younger sister is only one year apart from my twin sister and I. I love to sing, ride my bike and go running during my free time. I have been to eight different  states on vacation and I love to go on cruises i have already been on five with my family.  In conclusion, I am currently attending school at Olympian as a sophomore this is my second year at this school and i am loving and enjoying every bit of my high school experience.

Bio - Mr. Salazar

My name is Alex Salazar.  One of the things that I enjoy most in my life is teaching.  Here in this picture, I am featured with two AVID tutors from San Diego State University and several of my students--both juniors and seniors.  We are working in tutorial groups with the assistant of our great tutors.  On this particular day, I was smiling because I was very much satisfied with the students' work.  Passion and love best describe how I feel about teaching. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Personal Educational Experience

On my first day of school it was enlightening to meet my teachers for the first time. Although it was just one day it was very educational in itself. I learned how my teachers are and whether my classes will be difficult or not. A lot of my teachers are nice, funny, and very helpful. I am taking all accelerated classes and one AP. So far I have decided which class I think I'm going to like or dislike. But no matter how much I would dislike a class, I will retain my motivation to keep on going. I will have to study and work hard to get good grades and pass all of them. In the long run, these classes will benifit me more than they will hurt me and I am looking forward to my first year at Olympian High.

My Educational Experience

An educational experience that I remember from my first three days of school is just cycling through my classes, seeing what each teacher is going to be like and trying to determine the difficulty of the class. I don't really feel I'm overwhelmed with any class in particular, all the work I'm capable of, it's just getting motivated to do the work. That's going to be something new for me.


I believe ALP is very effective because it is a very highly strategic way on learning concepts easily. ALP is very important because it is a strategized plan to help students be prepared and ready to get into college. I believe that the plan does not effect a teachers approach of teaching because teachers can set aside a creative way of teaching these high-leveled skills in their own unique own style.

Educational Experience

The first week of school was fairly rocky for me. Some classes I really liked while others were either neutral or highly disliked. In reference to Clinton's post, I agree that Mr. Avasan taught us something influential that is worth remembering. Even though I only had him for three days so far, I can already tell that it's going to be an interesting year. He tells humorous stories and corny jokes that you can't help but laugh at, and his teaching his amazing. The way he taught us during the review helped me understand the material even more than I had understood before.
Although we only needed to explain one educational experience, I feel compelled to share a bad one as well. I remember in class that I was closing my eyes for a brief moment with my hands on my face. My teacher thought--at least I assume she thought--I was falling asleep, and frankly, I kind of was; it wasn't my intention, however. I felt shaky when she called my name so suddenly, being that it was first period and I was still waking up. I'm hoping nothing bad happens to my citizenship grade because of it, but I have to admit, that short moment of closing my eyes completely woke me up--or maybe that was just the fear and paranoia of my grade falling.

Educational Experince

My educational experince the first week of school was exciting since i was going to get challenging classes and newclassmates. I decided to take challenging classes this year to grow as a person since i know im capable of doing a great job in school. I know it might not be easy at first but of course it's worth it since at the end ge could get into a really good university.

Educational Experience

An educational experience that i had was being able to start this year off fresh. With more challenging classes that may help me challenge myself to succeed with more confidence. Being able to have accelerated and regular classes in all may help me push and motivate me to reach my ultimate goal.

An Educational Experience That I Will Always Remember

It actually happened at the beginning of this year. It was the second day of school, and I was in Mr. Avasan's class. We were doing a review of algebra 1. He was asking everyone "What is a function?" Everyone he asked ultimately replied, "I don't know." We all felt like idiots after he kept asking us. I'm terribly paraphrasing, but what he said at the end enlightened everyone in the room:

"This is the problem with school, especially in mathematics. Teachers no longer teach you how to understand, they teach you how to mimic. They say, 'Okay, I did one, now you do one.' You did learn how to do all of these things, you just were taught poorly, and I know it's not your fault. You must be saying to yourself, 'Oh, Mr. Avasan is a jerk, making us feel stupid.' I know that a teacher's skills are not your fault. But, when you tell me, 'Oh Mr. Avasan, I don't know how to do it,' you are lying. It's not that you don't know how to do it, it's that you don't remember how to do it. I am trying to get you to understand math, not to mimic it. "

What he said to me, I will keep with me for the rest of my life.

Educational experience P.4

An educational experience that i enjoyed was starting fresh and having some classes that will challenge me (Accelerated and honors classes) because last year I had easy classes which had me bored at times. But then I might have to do more work obviously but I'll try my best and hopefully make this year a good year.

-Audie Mendaros

My Educational Experience

For me on every first week of school, I have two emotions running through my head, fear and excitement. I was excited for the 1st week of school after 6 long weeks of summer, but fearful of the classes I'm taking. I would be having all accelerated classes with the exception of P.E, but thats nothing new to me, I have grown used to it since 8th grade, but I tried to calm my anxiety since I'm adding Honors Chemisty and AP World History at the same time.
For the most part sophomores would be taking thier first AP class, and I was slightly worried since its my first time, the workload is pretty large and on a constant schedule, and my teacher seems uptight and really strict with timing. Even my chemistry Honors class, seems to add to my worry, since not much people take this class because its difficulty for most students. Even though it scares me a little, I'm taking that shot in giving it my all.
Had a fairly good experience in my math class, my teacher was very relaxed and with the addition of telling jokes and telling stories, it made everyone in the classs including myself, comfortable. The type of teaching that he introduces to us, really stuck information inside my head, unlike previous math teachers, so I really look forward into learning math rather then dreading it.

Salazar Eng. period 4

My educational experience on the first week of school was kind of intimidating, yet exciting. Because I would be taking my first AP course and all of my classes are accelerated, and I was trying to calm myself down to not get too over whelmed by the new teachers and their criteria on how they distinguish the guidelines.
 A good experience I had was in both my math class and AP world history, because I was really nervous about how strict and over whelming both the teacher and class would be, because of after school activities. But in the end, it turned out that both the course and teachers were pretty relaxed. Though I still have to do a fair amount of work, it seems like a class I would enjoy.
 I bad experience I had last week was in my first period Spanish class, because the teacher's learning criteria and  methods seem so slow paced to me. I got really agitated and irritated, because of the "childish" learning style. But despite her methods, the teacher is awfully nice, and has a great personality.
 So, the frist week of soon was pretty good. Better then I expected, I hope this year goes by good.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

An educational experience I enjoyed during the first week of school was the fact that I was ready to learn, and put all my effort into school. I have always done my best in school, but I always set up goals, and for it I need to give the 100 percent no matter what. So far I am enjoying this year because I got all the classes I wanted and most important I got great teachers that will push me to do my best. In conclusion, I think that everyone can do great at school, they just have to believe in themselves and have faith that they can do anything they desire.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Academic Literacy Plan

How effective is the Academic Literacy Plan?  I am told to teach systematically and I believe this is the best way for an entire school to teach a set of 6 skills and 3 habits to a school that has over 1800 students.  Others may argue that this systematic approach of teaching inhibits a teacher's creativity within their classroom or does it?
Mr. Salazar