Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personal Growth

          Over the break, the main thing to do was homework and hang out with family. One of my personal growth experiences was that I realized that I need to strengthen my friendships with some people and even make new ones. Not to the point where it interferes with my school work but enough to balance out my life. I am grateful that I have made quite a few already but we are not close to the point I feel I can turn to them if I have problems. Right now, the people I am closest too are my dad and sister. I hope with some work I will continue to make more friends that I can hang out with if I am bored or even sleepover their house. Having friends in high school is one of the key things that can help a teenager get through high school. Without them, a life can be filled with loneliness and sadness, which I  do not plan to live anytime soon.

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