Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cassius is truly my favorite character in "The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar" so far. He is a superior character that shows both his brilliance and his slyness, in the way he manipulates the ones' around him, with just a single conversation. As he is the senator, he is against Caesar because he thinks he will make Rome fall, and will do whatever it takes to "plant a seed" in the other senators' heads. In my opinion i think he is jealous, and wants do go to the extreme to take Caesar out. So far he has successfully turned Casca against Caesar. His next target? Brutus. Brutus's way of being (naive) has made him an easy target for Cassius. Cassius is having the time of his life as a thunder storm arises from the clouds. It will only make his goals easier for him to eventually turn everyone against the king of Rome, Caesar. 

-Alan Martinez Pd. 4(;

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