Julius Caesar in the play, "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar," by William Shakespeare was a Roman general who desired power. Like most Romans during his time, Caesar was superstitious. Not only was he superstitious, but he was also ambitious, perceptive, and arrogant. Being a crude man who desired power, he did not want any lean, "hungry" officials to assist in his business because he believed that they would crave for power once they had enough strength themselves. Instead, Caesar wanted fatter and dumber officials because he did not see them as a threat. With an observant eye, Caesar took notice of Cassius's mischievous behavior and was able to determine that Cassius thought too much and was dangerous. Julius Caesar was deaf in his left ear, and along with that and his arrogant attitude, he tended not to listen too much to what other people said.
- Arlynn Adamos Period 4
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