Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Julius Caesar- Raffi Rillo

Julius Caesar in the play "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar"  is described as a powerful, ambitious ruler that won many battles for Rome. He is very confident and arrogant. He is proud of what he does. But he is also a very superstitious person. For example, in the play, he wanted the winner of a race to touch his wife so that she can become clean. However his arrogance is bigger than his superstition.
To keep himself in power, he does not want "lean" people around him. Meaning that he does not want skinny, ambitious people around him because they would want power and could take it away from him. For example, when Caesar explains to Mark Antony that Cassius is ambitious and dangerous. Instead of "lean" people, he wants fat people around him because they are content and are already happy with what they have.
Caesar was also deaf out of his right ear and had epilepsy.

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