Sunday, October 30, 2011


Plagiarism is very dangerous , risky and illegal. I dont understand why people would take others work and present it as your own. Plagiarsim can get you into jail, and you can be in there for a long period of time. I suggest that people shouldnt do it because even though they dont think it matters when they are copying , but it will turn into a horriable outcome. Especially in college if someone does plagiarism that can mess up everthing for that persons future. It will be something that follows the person forever , where ever they go .

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


In Shakespeare's "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar", Cassius is cunning, mischievous, and selfish. He is also very observant and manipulative. He wants Caesar dead and considers nothing but his own greediness to have his goal met. He is a character that I cannot completely love or hate. I dislike him because of his intentions, not doing his job as a senator and considering the fate of Rome, and for turning Caesar's people against him. Yet I like him because he is very smart and knows just how to manipulate people into getting what he wants. My favorite part of Act 1 is how he was able to reel Brutus in on his conversation to go against Caesar by sugar coating it with things that would interest Brutus, such as his loyalty to Rome.


In, "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" Cassius, is Julius Caesar's foil. He is the Senator of the Roman Republic and is hungry for power. He wants to get the power away from Julius Caesar. He is very much against Caesar. Cassius is a very observant person, and throughout scene 1 acts 1 and 2, he's been trying to persuade others against Caesar as well. He has Brutus in the palm of his hand practically, bringing fear to him that Caesar has bad intentions. He manipulates him, saying that in reality Caesar is not a great god like people portray him to be. Eventually, he manages to assassinate him and his power is no longer there.
-Raquel Farfan

Julius Caesar- Raffi Rillo

Julius Caesar in the play "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar"  is described as a powerful, ambitious ruler that won many battles for Rome. He is very confident and arrogant. He is proud of what he does. But he is also a very superstitious person. For example, in the play, he wanted the winner of a race to touch his wife so that she can become clean. However his arrogance is bigger than his superstition.
To keep himself in power, he does not want "lean" people around him. Meaning that he does not want skinny, ambitious people around him because they would want power and could take it away from him. For example, when Caesar explains to Mark Antony that Cassius is ambitious and dangerous. Instead of "lean" people, he wants fat people around him because they are content and are already happy with what they have.
Caesar was also deaf out of his right ear and had epilepsy.


Cassius in the play "The tragedy of julius caesar" by william shakespeare reacts as a keen behavior. Cassius used to fight along side Julius Caesar. However, due to the fact that Julius Caesar has becomed a god like ruler, cassius, in jealousy, used Caesar's defects against him. Toward Act 1 he manipulates Brutus by providing specific details on how Caesar is hurting Rome,due to Brutus being nationalist. Later on a storm comes in, and another character, Casca, comes into the play believing storm is the god's anger. Cassius takes act toward Casca's fear and uses the situation to manipulate his beliefs to point out how the gods where angry at Caesar. Cassius is sharp, intelligent, jealous and possesive. Marcus Brutus

Marcus 'lover man' Brutus is man looking for that special someone. Someone who reminds him of his great love form his country Rome and who shares the complete, all be it occasionally naive, quality of absolute trust in people, even when they do not deserve it. His personal life is currently being spent deciding the fate of Rome with his companion Cassius. Both of them are senators and are concerned about the shifting tides of power in Rome to Julius Caesar. A supportive woman is probably the best match for him because he is going through a very rough time deciding whether or not to assassinate on of his closest friends. To get an idea of the inner feelings of Brutus it may behoove any would-be match to know that he is Marc Antony's foil. (you know, the one always running around town naked and touching Caesar's wife for good luck) In conclusion, Marcus Brutus is patriotic, has a good intentioned heart, and may or may not smell of lilac floating on the cool spring breeze of Tiber river at dawn.


In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare a character named Cassius is a smart, ambitious, and observant person and also a senator of Rome. His main goal is to get rid of another senator named Julius Caesar. His plan to get rid of Caesar is an assassination on the month of March. Cassius tries to persuade some of Caesar's friends on why Caesar should be get ridden of. Cassius does successfully persuade Casca with superstition and is currently trying to persuade Brutus.