Monday, August 22, 2011

When I Was A Good Samaritan

             I have some Good Samaritan experiences like when i was in fourth grade on way home, an old lady with grey hair was struggling with her grape soda cans that she had just bought. By the expression of her face she was yelling for help, grunting and stumbling, i was polite and asked her if she needed help and said yes with passion. After, she offered me a dollar it was tempting but i did not accept. That was a simple experience though. At school (middle) we had to do community service so i chose to do it at Casillas Elementary for a Halloween carnival. I helped set up all attractions and made sure the kids would not destroy the carnival, at the end of the day i realized how great it felt to actually spend time helping other people that are in need. Without me, the carnival would have been a disaster! (Maybe not). I liked it so much that i am willing to do something like this, it felt like a was doing the right thing. I was being a Good Samaritan.

-Alan Martinez

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